Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Quest Is A Carries For The Expulsion Of Iraqi Forces...
The Quest is a carries on from where the author’s award winning book The Prize left of with the expulsion of Iraqi forces from Kuwait, and the imminent fragmentation of the Soviet Union, which concluded with the rise of OPEC, and the profound resulting shift in the axis of world power, as developed nations adjusted to a new and relatively less self-sufficient reality. It explores the multifaceted world of the modern oil and gas industry, with new game changers, both as producers (Brazil, Central Asian), and also as consumers (the emerging economies of the BRICS nations). He explores the critical importance of electricity, this he characterized as the many essentials of modern society and communication, such as Ipads, smartphones, laptop computers, electronic books, all these â€Å"gadgetwatts†as he calls them, account for the bulk use of electricity. He expresses himself to be an advocate in anthropogenic climate change; he summaries the struggles in reaching any kind of international accord, but determines that the growing awareness of its impact is encouraging greater energy efficiency and above all an interest in renewables. In The Quest, Yergin picks up the thread of the story in the latter part of the 20th Century, a time in which fossil fuels have shared the stage with other forms of energy more favored by certain policy makers, while the world staggered from the break-up of the Soviet Union and the emergence of newly independent oil-producing nations in the former SovietShow MoreRelatedNational Security Outline Essay40741 Words  | 163 PagesCONTENTS FOR NSL READING CHAPTER 1: National Security Law and the Role of Tipson 1 CHAPTER 2: Theoretical approaches to national security world order 4 CHAPTER 3: Development of the International Law of Conflict Management 5 CHAPTER 4: The Use of Force in International Relations: Norms Concerning the Initiation of Coercion (JNM) 7 CHAPTER 5: Institutional Modes of Conflict Management 17 The United Nations System 17 Proposals for Strengthening Management Institutional Modes of Conduct 23 CHAPTERRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pageslittle significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a predictable
Monday, December 16, 2019
George Orwell 1984 Free Essays
George Orwell wrote his novel 1984, originally published in 1949, as a forecast of what will become of the political class. The year is 2018, and much has come to pass. Orwell may have missed the date of what happens in the future, but he did stipulate in detail what becomes of the future once the oligarchs take over power. We will write a custom essay sample on George Orwell 1984 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Orwell foretold of a society where the government would peddle propaganda to the citizens, all that, in an excursion to distract the people from the real problems in society. Propaganda, in this case, is used to alter the truth and manipulate people into thinking that whatever the party says, the party is never incorrect. The works of 1984 by George Orwell is an example of where art imitates life. Through Winston, Orwell paints the picture of 1984; â€Å"large TV screens that broadcast government propaganda, news and approved entertainment†in addition to having the Ministry of Truth as the architect of the lies (Beale). Misinformation is the tool of the trade for most politicians, if not all, in the contemporary time. Propaganda in its crude form is the dispensation of untruthful information aimed at disrupting a person, nation, or idea so as the maker of the false statements can draw benefits from the situation. In 1984, The Party took its need to spread propaganda to the extremes; The Party operates the people of Oceania to say and think in a way the party deems fit. Communications made in Oceania carry politically charged messages, and the residents are to believe the words and act in accordance if the state of Oceania tells them otherwise. In the article, â€Å"Propaganda and Surveillance in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four: Two Sides of the Same Coin†, Michael Yeo states that â€Å"propaganda divides revealingly and essentially into two main forms, which I call the propaganda of fact and the propaganda of fiction†which is revealed throughout the novel (Yeo 51). Winston demonstrates a kind of propaganda that is universal in the novel, such as propagation of lies as facts, while Julia represents the propaganda of fiction working in the Fictional Department on a novel writing machine.In the novel, Winston states â€Å"I know, of course, that the past is falsified, but it would never be possible for me to prove it, even when I did the falsification myself†(Orwell 155). Winston Smith was the head of rewriting history and destroying records that did not reflect well on the regime. The Ministry of Truth was meant to update records to fit the policies of the Oceania government. The falsifying of documents had taken place for a long time, and Winston was erasing old lies with new ones. While producing propaganda for the Oceania government, Winston worked under self-censorship by working as per the estimates of The Party needs. The works of propaganda get channeled to the public through the Times newspaper. The media today just like the Times in 1984; it helps the political class spread propaganda. The need to publicize propaganda is alluring to the extent that governments own media outlets where government agenda gets spread. Propaganda has the sole of aim of changing the opinion of a person to one that is favorable for the oligarch. In the 2017 presidential elections in the United States of America, propaganda was at the center of the campaigns for the top contenders. The information supplied during the campaign period was meant to shape the opinion of the voters, and that is what propaganda does (Beale). Newspeak is a propaganda tool used in 1984, to replace ordinary English. On page fifty-two of the novel, Winston asserts â€Å"Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought crime literally impossible†. Through Newspeak, fictional ideas get spread as the truth. It is vital for lies to stand out as the truth and that was the reason Oceania oligarchs came up with Newspeak. It was strange how the government of Oceania managed to subvert the thoughts of many people by defining terms in their conceptual opposites, for example, freedom is slavery. It was important that Oceania government used a one-dimensional language to hide the truth. The style and ideas of expression presented in Newspeak are what the public and corporate officials, and the mass media utilize; when they speak for the political class. Today, democracy, freedom, and equality are a cover-up used when referring to the societal levels, and inequality in capitalist democracies like the United States of America.In the world today, governments are up in arms to fight terrorism. It is not a denial that there have been several acts of terrorism around the globe, but how can the world be at war with an enemy that is unknown. â€Å"Taxpayers’ money goes in million-dollar projects aimed at subverting the next terror act†(Tugwell 53). All this takes place while there are more pressing issues to attend to, like making sure all the old persons in society get the desired care. In Oceania, the government told of a war that never existed. The enemy’s name could change from time to time just to keep the citizens confused. Just like in the war against terrorism, the targets are in constant change. The architects of terrorism are not known, and it cannot get blamed on a race, religion or country. Luckily for those living in the current times, critical thinking is not a crime as was in 1984 where â€Å"Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death†(Orwell 36). The war on terror is not coming to an end any time soon, the longer the war, the more people live in fear, all for the benefit of the government. From the novel 1984 by George Orwell, The Party used peer group pressure, removal of privacy, dress codes, obedience, and fear of spreading propaganda. The people of Oceania were not supposed to resist new ideas as fronted by The Party; they often found the need to belong to The Party and the Anti-Sex League. In the United States of America, the two major political parties are the Democrats and the Republicans. When the people of America fight to belong to any of the parties they agree to get bound by the agenda of the party. Whatever the parties speak about other faction is taken as the truth. In Oceania, there was only one political party. In the United States there is more than one political party, but they all serve the imperial needs of the country (Beale). Much like the novel of 1984, the continuous amounts of spying and monitoring of the people can be reflected into our society currently: Today websites like Facebook track our likes and dislikes, and governments and private individuals hack into our computers and find out what they want to know. Then there are the ever-present surveillance cameras that spy on the average person as they go about their daily routine (Beale).In comparison with the novel, the telescreens, Big Brother pictures, and constant surveillance also take away people’s privacy and privilege to go about their day peacefully much like our civilization. Moreover, The Oceania government did not spy secretly; the citizens knew they were under supervision; the thought of being watched shaped people’s actions as there was no room to be ones’ self. The government of Oceania made the citizens believe there were enemies amongst them, the people who supported Goldstein, hence the measures were necessary. Propaganda not only takes away privacy away from people, but it also allows the government to monitor online activities of people, including the reading of sent texts all in the disguise of checking out for any signs of planned terror activities. Oceania was in an endless war with East Asia. The enemies of Oceania kept the government on toes, to wage wars while neglecting the needs of her people. The United States has always had enemies, and it is ever at war. The United States has taken upon itself to fight for world stability, even if the battles destabilize countries. The citizens are made to believe that they are well off than all other people around the world and it is the responsibility of the government to ‘take care’ of the world. The U.S has invaded many states in the assumed role of the world leader. The countries invaded include Vietnam, Iraq, and Libya among many others. The United States invaded the nations to restore peace and stability, but that was not the case once they left. Iraq and Libya have remained politically unstable since the they wrapped up on her mission in the countries. One wonders why the U.S would attribute stability and peace as the reasons of invading countries that are peaceful and stable before the eyes of the world, only to leave them unstable and in civil conflicts. All that is the work of propaganda, the agenda of all the wars the United States is involved in is to secure the interests of the political class.George Orwell wrote the book, 1984, not knowing how long it would take for the future to turn out as exemplified in the book, but the book is not only futuristic but also prophetic of the future. Propaganda together with other tools is used to manipulate and control the residents of Oceania and show readers how their government functions similarly to our current system of economics and media. The political class of Oceania believed that whoever was at the helm at the moment controls the future and could do the same to the past. Making people think that there is war is the government’s way to maintain peace. War brings people together by inspiring devotion and patriotism. The war on terror has done the same thing to several people around the world and the citizens of the United States of America. Propaganda keeps democracies running since it is the tool of the oligarchs to hold a nation hostage without their knowledge. Any idea, rumor, or misinformation deliberately spread about an idea, institution, government or a person, are all acts of propaganda; they are everyday occurrences in the world today.? How to cite George Orwell 1984, Papers George Orwell 1984 Free Essays â€Å"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows. †(1984, Orwell, p 69). We will write a custom essay sample on George Orwell 1984 or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the book, 1984, by George Orwell, Winston –who works at the Ministry of Truth- lives a life where the government controls everything you do, even what you get to think about. The city of Oceania obeys the laws by the Big Brother, or the president. If anyone were to go against what Big Brother says or wants, he/she is to be taken into custody, and â€Å"treated†for insanity. George Orwell managed to write a fictional book about our present day society and how the government tells us we are free to do whatever, as long as we abide by the countries laws, which in itself is slavery. George Orwell incorporates the ideas of McDonaldization, where our society possess the qualities of a fast food restaurant. There are four primary components of McDonaldization; efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. Efficiency is choosing the optimal method for completing a task. For our government, this would be a way to get a bill passed the fastest or finding a way to keep the people from doing a thing they feel is out of the question. Calculability is the idea that having a large amount of product delivered in a short amount of time is the same as a high quality product. This is the same as the businesses in our society doing things as fast as they can to get more product out, and jacking up the prices to make a high profit off of these low end products. Predictability means that no matter where a person goes, they will receive the same service and receive the same product every time when interacting with a McDonaldized organization. Lastly, control is standardized and uniform employees. This is like replacing all of our employees with computer based machines, because they are â€Å"more efficient†. As you can see, our society is becoming greatly McDonaldized. The government has changed so greatly of the past 100 years, that most people don’t remember or even know what it was like back then, or it is simply the fact that the government has made the past seem like such a orror, that it has been ingrained into peoples minds that we are better off now. How could you tell how much of it was lies? It might be true that the average human being was better off now than he had been before the Revolution. The only evidence to the contrary was the mute protest in your own bones, the instinctive feeling that the conditions you lived in were intolerable and that at some other time they must have been different. It struck him that the truly characteristic thing about modern life was not its cruelty and insecurity, but simply its bareness, its dinginess, its listlessness. Life if you looked about you, bore no resemblance not only to the lies that streamed out of the telescreens, but even to the ideals that the Party was trying to achieve. (1984, Orwell, p 63) Winston realizes that the past had been different that what the Party (government) was telling everyone. They had made up lies about the past just to make the future seem like a blessing. Sure, they had no privacy because of the telescreens, but they had so much more to equal it out. This is just like when the police tap a phone, or subpoena a person’s text messages, just to cross reference an alibi. This is an invasion of privacy and they have no right. Now, the Senate Intelligence Committee is looking into some allegations by two former linguists, whom are saying that the Super Secret National Security Agency routinely eavesdropped on telephone calls of American military officers, journalists, and aid workers. It is being said that they even heard such highly private conversations as them having â€Å"phone sex†and didn’t think anything was being done wrong. (Truthout, 2008) The government has taken this freedom thing that they have so generously given us, and is making it into slavery. After being captured and sent to the Ministry of Love, Winston soon learned that torture went a lot farther than just the pain of being beaten. Much like they were teaching at Fort Huachuca, they knew how to torture people. When his nerves were in rags after hours of questioning, even the appeal of bullying could reduce him to tears. In the end the nagging voices broke him down more completely than the boots and fists of the guards. He became simply a mouth that uttered, a hand that signed whatever was demanded of him. His sole concern was to find out what they wanted him to confess, and confess it quickly, before the bullying started anew. Winston was forced to do and say so many things that weren’t true just because they told him to. He was so afraid of being beaten over and over again that he would have done anything to make it stop. Is this what our military is being taught now? Why else would they arrest a priest for protesting torture training at Fort Huachuca in Arizona? An article on truth-out. org talks about how Louis Vitale, 75, a Franciscan priest, and Steve Kelly, 58, a Jesuit priest, were sentenced to five months each in federal prison for attempting to deliver a letter opposing the teaching of torture at Fort Huachuca in Arizona. Both priests were taken directly into jail from the courtroom after sentencing. So just because they were against what the government was teaching, they were arrested and sent to prison. Where’s the justice in that? The government gave us the freedom to be their slaves. As if it isn’t enough that they are taking this much control over us, but now the idea of the RFID tags is being introduced. RFID, or radiofrequency identification are miniscule microchips that have been shrank down to the size of a grit of sand. They can be attached to anything such as a sweater, which could then be traced to the credit card you bought it with, which in turn could track you to when you return. It can act like a â€Å"minority report†for the police as a trendy method of constant â€Å"cradle-to-grave†surveillance. This would mean absolutely no privacy in anything we do. We would be constantly watched, and could be questioned about anything we do. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper would be picked up by it; moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the times. But at any rate, they could plug into your wire at any time they wanted to. You had to live- did live, from habit that became instinct- on the assumption that every sound you made was overheard and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized. (1984, Orwell, p 7) Do we really want to live like this? Like we have to be cautious about everything we say and do because we know that someone is always watching. The only reason for this chip would be so that the government could control us. They would push us so far that we would be afraid to do anything, because we would know the consequences of wrong doing in our own homes. In itself, our freedom would be our own form of slavery. In conclusion, the government has taken this whole â€Å"you are free to do as you please as long as you abide by the laws†thing to a whole new level. Sure, we have the freedom of speech and the freedom to protest and all of the other freedoms that they amendment allows, but how â€Å"free†can we really be within those guidelines. That priest was arrested for his freedom of speech, our freedom of privacy would be taken away by the chips and also by the government eavesdropping on our private phone calls. This so called freedom that we have been given, doesn’t seem so free after you take away the pretty words of the constitution. Seems more like slavery in a new form; the McDonaldized form. Reference http://www.truth-out.org/article/priests-jailed-protesting-fort-huachuca-torture-training How to cite George Orwell 1984, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Six Hours Of Television Essay Example For Students
Six Hours Of Television Essay Six Hours of TelevisionIn looking at modern television programming there are hundreds of showsto choose from. Picking six hours of television to analyze from the prospectiveof an anthropologist is by no means easy. It is easy however, to talk aboutwhat our nation looks like to others who have never been here. Everyone isgorgeous, lives happily, and overcomes all problems, but more on that later. Four hours of the programming I chose is perhaps the most popular programmingthis year, consistently topping the Nielsen ratings. For the remaining twohours of programming I decided to look at two police drama shows, one that wasbrand new this season and one not brand new, but still going strong. For the two hours of police dramas, I looked at programs with differentangles. NYPD BLUE is the story of police detectives, and HIGH INCIDENT was anew show that looked at the view of policing from the beat. HIGH INCIDENTrepresented one of the first t.v. shows to come from the SKG works of StevenSpielberg. However, just like Spielbergs previous AMAZING STORIES, HIGHINCIDENT has already ceased to air. This could still change though, with thenext season. Of the remaining four hours, three are on television everyThursday night, and include the tremendously popular FRIENDS, the SINGLE GUY,the hits SEINFELD and CAROLINE IN THE CITY, and the most popular show this year,ER. For the remaining hour I choose to look at THE TONIGHT SHOW, with Jay Leno. Between these shows there are many similarities and many differences. All ofthese shows can be directly compared with each other, having some of the samequalities. Looking at these shows in the perspective of an anthropologist somedisquieting trends emerge. I will present the information as if an outsider,from another nation, were watching American shows, and believed what he/she wasseeing to be true of what goes on in America. Perhaps more realistic than the other shows, NYPD BLUE, and HIGH INCIDENTrepresent the closest what life is really like. To a foreigner seeing theseshows, they would probably believe that America is a blood bath of crime and illwill towards other people. While this isnt true the whole nation over, thereare many cities like those portrayed in these two shows. Like the other shows Iwill discuss, these two have casts made up of predominately Caucasian males andfemales. Other nationalities, such as Asian, Afro-American, and Latino aresprinkled in just enough to make sure the shows are politically correct. To anoutsider this would show that white males dominate society and life in America. While this is certainly true in some respects, it is unfair to portray it assuch on television. Television influences the minds of too many people to showone class or people dominating over another, even when it isnt obvious toeveryone. NBCs Thursday night line up begins with the block-buster show FRIENDS, andends with the number one show, ER. In between are sandwiched more shows thathave been hits. Every Thursday begins with two hours of comedy. First on thelist is FRIENDS. To an outsider FRIENDS shows the perfect male dominates femalerole of our society. The girls are ditsy, the blond especially so. Of thethree guy friends, only one seems to not have all his brains. Two of the threeguys have steady, secure jobs. For the girls its three steady, but perhapsunsecure jobs, and poor paying. The character Rachel works at a coffee shop andPhoebe drives a cab, not exactly something to build careers on. The guys makemore money, even the character Joey, whos job as an actor isnt steady. Ofcourse each girl is drop-dead gorgeous. To those watching in other countries,America is chalk full of pretty women waiting for a man to come sweep them offtheir feet. The next show, SINGLE GUY, has a slightly different message. .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8 , .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8 .postImageUrl , .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8 , .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8:hover , .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8:visited , .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8:active { border:0!important; } .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8:active , .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8 .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8286e1b127c8418c469dee263de188d8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Diabetes EssayAmerica is also full of very happy married couples. The Single Guy himself ison a mission of marriage. Thats what the entire show is based on. So far anoutsider comes to America, is gorgeous if youre a woman, and a hunk if youre aguy, has lots of friends, and is searching for a soul mate. Not quite America,but if youre watching t.v. it is. Moving on there is SEINFELD. The charactersin this show again have many friends. The twist to SEINFELD is that there all alittle off
Saturday, November 30, 2019
WordPress Glossary 10 Commonly Used WordPress Terms Explained
When you first get started with WordPress, its easy to feel overwhelmed by the volume and variety of terms the WordPress community uses. To help, we created this WordPress glossary of the most important terms and distinctions so that you can quickly get up to speed.By the end of this post, youll know the difference between front-end and back-end, how widgets and widget areas connect, what a theme framework is, and a whole lot more! In one short sentence  WordPress.org is an open-source software offering and WordPress.com is a service built on the open-source WordPress.org software.With WordPress.org, you need to find suitable hosting, download the WordPress software, and install it on your server. It gives you full flexibility to manage your site, choose themes, plugins, and extensions, and you totally own your data. WordPress.org also puts you in total control over your website and allows you to monetize it freely.In contrast, with WordPress.com you simply sign up for a hos ted WordPress service that takes care of site management completely. It restricts your choice of themes and plugins (unless you pay for the most expensive plan) and you do not have full control over your data, but it is a bit more beginner friendly.WordPress.comWordPress.orgServiceOpen-source softwareHosted and managedSelf hostedLimited choice of themes and pluginsFull freedom to choose themes and pluginsLimited control over your dataFull control over your dataIf you ever want to switch, its not too difficult to move your website from WordPress.com to WordPress.org.Go to top2. Blog and websiteThe difference between a website and a blog lies mainly in the way data is presented.A website is a collection of pages where the content rarely changes. On the other hand, a blog is a collection of posts updated regularly with fresh content. While a website is hierarchical in nature, blog posts appear in reverse chronological order.Usually, a blog is conversational and it encourages two-wa y communication with your readers. Not so with a website, which is often transactional enabling selling, form submissions and the like.BlogWebsiteCollection of postsCollection of pagesConversationalTransactionalChronologicalHierarchicalTimely contentTimeless contentIts easy to create a blog with WordPress. In fact, you can also add a blog feature to any WordPress website.*Blogs are technically still websites were just trying to draw a distinction between how most people use the two terms.Go to top3. Categories and tagsCategories and tags help you add additional organization and classification to your WordPress content and are thus a very important part of this WordPress glossary:Tags describe a post in a specific manner and can often be keywords relating to the post content in some way.Categories are broader in nature than tags and help to group similar posts and topics together.Usually, you want to use a single category for each post, but you can use multiple tags.For example, if you write a sports blog:Basketball would make a good category for all basketball-related posts.Michael Jordan and Chicago Bulls would be two good tags for a post specifically about Michael Jordan.CategoriesTagsMandatoryOptionalHierarchicalFlatBroad basedMore specificIf you do not categorize a post it will show up as uncategorized on your blog (though you can change it in options). However, its not mandatory to tag all posts. In fact, we dont use tags here at Themeisle only categories.Go to top4. Front-end and back-endIn a nutshell, the front-end is that part of the website thats visible to the public when they visit your site. The back-end is where you add new content, configure options, and decide how your front-end will look and feel.All the pages that control your site’s options and settings are collectively called Administration Screens and make up the back-end. Only authorized users can access the back-end. They can create, delete or modify content and alter layou t and design. On the other hand, any casual site visitor can view the front-end.Front-endBack-endMostly passive viewingActive managementAnyone can accessOnly authorized users have accessControlled by back-endControls the front-endWhat a visitor seesWhat site admins seeGo to top5. Plugins and extensionsTheres really no clear line separating plugins and extensions. You could say a plugin is a piece of software that extends functionality or adds specific features to WordPress. Extensions, on the other hand, add features or functions to specific plugins or themes.For example, a plugin or theme author might allow other developers to add extensions to the base plugin or theme, or that developer might offer their own extensions.PluginsExtensionsGenerally extends WordPress functionsUsually extends theme and plugin functionsEnables WordPress core to remain lightEnables themes and plugins to remain lightOffers additional features to WordPress usersOffers additional features to specific theme and plugin usersWhen developers make a plugin extensible, it allows them to keep essential functions and additional functions separate. It also enhances the scope for future development. Customers too have an option to purchase just the features they need in a plugin, with extra features bundled into extensions.Plugins enable the WordPress core to remain lean and light. Extensions do the same for plugins (and themes).Go to top6. Pages and postsPages and posts are next on our WordPress glossary. Although theyre content types that appear similar, theyre used for different purposes.Posts make up the core of your blog and are used for updates or trending information. Each post has a publish date. On your blog, they appear in a reverse chronological order, with your latest post at the top. Posts encourage conversation with built-in comment options and you can tag, categorize, and archive posts on your WordPress blog.PostPageTimely contentTimeless contentArranged in reverse chronological orderHierarchicalCan be included in feedsNot included in feedsMostly used by writers and editorsMostly used by adminsUsually categorized and taggedGenerally not categorized or taggedOn the other hand, pages are what make up a website and contain information thats constant over a period of time for instance, a contact page or products page. They dont have a public publish date and dont appear in a timeline like blog posts. They are hierarchical and you can organize them in any order you want, though you cannot categorize or tag them.Go to top7. Text editor and visual editorWordPress offers you two different ways to create and edit posts and pages visual and text. In the text editor, you can write and modify HTML. Using quicktag buttons, you can also wrap a piece of selected text in commonly used tags.On the other hand, you cannot add or modify HTML in the visual editor. However, it has a good set of formatting options that help you get a fair idea of how your post will appear in the browser (kind of like Microsoft Word). Its easy to switch between the two editors.Text EditorVisual EditorCan add or modify HTMLCannot work with HTMLView content in text and HTML format WYSIWYGRemoves all formatting from pasted contentDoes not remove formattingNeed to get familiarMore user-friendlyGo to top8. Widget and widget areasWidgets are small, self-contained pieces of information that add content and features to a website. These widgets can only appear in specific predefined widget areas on the website, such as sidebar or footer. You can’t use a widget outside of a widget area.WidgetsWidget AreasSelf contained piece of info that displays on websiteA pre-defined area in website layout to contain widgetCan exist only within widget areaProvides space for display of widgetBy default, WordPress comes with some widgets (search, categories) as well as a widget area for your themes sidebar. Plugins and themes can provide additional widgets or create widget areas on a w ebsite.Go to top9. Theme frameworks and buildersBoth theme frameworks and builders help you build a custom website. What makes them different is the user groups they target.A framework is intended for use by developers. It saves them the trouble of writing themes from scratch by offering some ready-made code as a start point. Youll need coding skills to work with frameworksFrameworkPage BuilderIntended for developersIntended for regular WordPress usersRequires coding skillsWorks by mere drag and drop and selecting optionsIn contrast, a builder is for use by regular WordPress users like you and me. It helps you create, edit, and customize your site layout working off a user friendly interface, using drag and drop. No coding skills are necessary, and you can pick and choose elements and control the way each element appears and functions.Go to top10. Themes and templatesThis WordPress glossary would not be complete without reference to themes and templates. A WordPress theme is a co mplete design for a website. A template is a single layout thats available within a theme. A theme may contain a number of templates for you to choose from, and can also allow you to build your own custom template.Some themes have special templates such as full-width templates for special design features.ThemeTemplateProvides design for the entire websiteProvides design for a single pageTheme can contain many templatesReverse is not trueWhile a template controls the appearance of a single page, a theme applies to all the pages on a website. However, if you have the coding skills, you can create your own custom templates.Go to topConfused by any other WordPress terms?That rounds up our WordPress glossary. But that doesnt mean youre done learning!Have another WordPress term that confuses you? Leave a comment and well try to help illuminate things! We might even add it to the WordPress glossary. Learn the meaning of 10 common #WordPress terms in this beginner-friendly glossary
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Gender and Sex Tourism
Gender and Sex Tourism Introduction Tourism that is based on gender and sex has become one of the hottest topics in social studies that have aroused interest in many researchers who wish to find out the relationship between the two and the reasons for its development.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Gender and Sex Tourism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Tourism has developed as a phenomenon since the 19th century when it was first organized by Thomas Cook from a tour to cure curiosity by the rich into an activity that is currently affordable by almost all classes due to the different packages that come with it. Different places in the world attract different types of tourism from sightseeing to sports tourism and many other forms. Tourism has been further developed by globalization, which can be described as the integration and interaction of the people of the world on different platforms at the global level through government relations, business, and education among other activities aided by information technology. Eroticism tourism has also emerged among many other forms of tourism attractions. It has found a place in such places like Amsterdam and other cities in the South American States. The Dominican Republic has come out as one of the best-known sex haven tourism spot in the world. The study therefore finds out the contribution and views of Dominican women towards sex tourism and the masculinity of tourism as a factor. Effects of Globalization and Tourism Gregory’s work reveals the impact of globalization on â€Å"the lives of real people, communities, and nation states†(2007, p. 245). Globalization has developed in recent times due to the information technology explosion that has seen the whole world interconnect seamlessly with so much ease. The development of the internet technology has led to an easy and faster communication processes, which has enabled the whole world to access and exchange information over the internet in real time. Therefore, the internet can be credited with the fast growth of globalization due to its conveyor effect to information from one point to the other. Globalization has also been accentuated by the liberalization of almost all the economies of the world with capitalism taking the center stage as the most preferred form of the economy by world countries. Capitalism leans heavily on independence of the mind, which can further be described as liberalism. It allows parties to engage their ideas on the economic scale liberally without being constrained by such issues like social ethics. According to Bear, Freedom is associated with specific forms of capitalist activities (n.d, p 4.).Advertising Looking for critical writing on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Globalization and Neoliberalization have changed the living conditions of the poor by fur ther marginalizing them and subjecting them into mere survival and existence. Although globalization has made the world become seamless with easy movement and interaction of people in the world, it has made it more difficult for the lower class to go up the ladder because it only provides a thriving environment for the ‘have’ who in turn use their economic advantage to exploit the ‘have not’. According to Gregory, in his book The Devil Behind the Mirror, he explains that an average Dominican family toils and survives on less than $2 per day yet Western tourists pay $200-$300 per night for an endless supply of food. Such inequalities are the epitomes of globalization, which thrives on capitalism. Under such circumstances, men and women of society are forced to struggle to survive. This survival ends up being survival for the fittest. Women in this case are the most vulnerable. They are forced into commercial sex activities to earn a living for themselves and for their families. Acceptance of this practice is what has fuelled sex tourism in countries like the Dominican Republic. Role of Dominican Women Statistics indicate that an average of 60000-100000 Dominican women engages in prostitution, which is a great attraction to sex tourists. The Dominican Republic has been christened as the Thailand of the West in terms of sex tourism. It is neither legal nor illegal to practice prostitution in this republic leaving it ‘open’ to individuals to decide for themselves. Dominican women have played a big role in promoting the sex tourism business of their country. They are known to package and or advertise themselves as beautiful, sexy, and ready to fulfill sexual satisfaction of their clients. The biggest notion that has made the Dominican Republic thrive as a sex tourism destination is that its women are beautiful, sexy, and cheap. To add onto this issue, most Dominican women practice prostitution as an accepted social practice.Ad vertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Gender and Sex Tourism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the Dominican Republic, it is easy to pick a woman off the streets and pay her for sex especially if one is a foreigner. Foreigners are known to pay much more for sex in relation to locals. The attraction that drives Dominican women to tourists is the generosity that tourists have when it comes to spending on them and the fees that they are ready to pay for the sex, which are premium rates. The picture of desperate Dominican women struggling with poverty has been one of the greatest contributory factors to sex tourism in that poverty has led them into descending into prostitution. The availability of prostitution on demand and at every corner has given the country a name as a sex tourism destination and hence a great attraction to tourists who want to satisfy their pleasurable desires. Dominican Republic is one of So uth America’s poor countries with very low literacy levels. It main stay economic activities like agriculture does not pay well with most of the agricultural industries that used to run the economy closing down or going under the privatization hammer. Poverty leads to women moving from their villages to the city to earn whatever living they can afford. Due to lack of education and a limited number of employment opportunities, they end up in the bars and clubs of the city from where they become available for prostitution. Most of the women in Dominican Republic are single mothers and heads of their households. Therefore, they have to provide for their households. These women earn much more working with tourists than when working in factories and hence the reason why so many of them can be found in tourist spots (Gregory 2007, p.34). Although some of them are not in the sex industry, it is difficult to differentiate them because the hospitality industry encourages them to provi de all the services the tourist might demand. Women always play subordinate roles to men. This nature of submissiveness has seen them become vulnerable members of the society in danger of exploitation by other men and women who run prostitution rings. Masculinity of Tourists Masculinity of tourists is one of the biggest catalysts for sex tourism in the Dominican Republic. Masculinity in this case can be described in two forms the first one being the masculine nature of the tourist or simply male desires of the tourists. The second one is the economic power that the tourists wield over the locals.Advertising Looking for critical writing on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Dominican Republic has been structured by a history of colonial legacies that led to unequal social strata after the colonialists had gone (Appadurai, 1990, p. 55). Combining this issue with unequal economic and political relations leaves the majority of the people of the Dominican Republic with little control over their social political affairs. The old age social practices left behind by colonialists have left the women in the Dominican republic a vulnerable lot who have to live outside the accepted ethics for them to survive. This challenge has therefore left many of them with no option other than to turn to tourism. The location of the Dominican Republic close to the United States of America has made the country easily accessible to tourists chasing eroticism. Most tourists coming in from the West are well off enough to afford the adventures offered by the Dominican tourism packages because they are cheap compared to other exotic destinations in the world. The ability of man y budget tourists or backpackers to afford to come to the Dominican Republic has risen the profile of sex tourism because it come in as one of the cheapest forms of pleasure one can afford. The tourism masculinity has adopted an oriental form of discourse that tends to follow into the footsteps of the main driving forces of the tourism destination (Said, n.d, p. 48). Tradition in the Dominican Republic has been sold to foreign corporate interests who come in to do business under the license of investors. Foreigners who market businesses to their fellow nationals with promises of bottomless erotic pleasures to be offered own most of them (businesses) in the tourism circuit in the Dominican Republic. They go ahead to employ beautiful Dominican women as waitresses to serve the clientele that will be coming in. The masculinities of tourists, which can be described as male tourists therefore feed on the availability of Dominican women who earn more by working with tourists than by workin g with companies. In this case, most tourists coming are male tourists specifically seeking eroticism. Imperial masculinity, as brought about by tourism thrives on gender, racial, national, and class differences. It subjects women to subordination towards men. Most Dominican women working in the tourism industry are poor. They try to find prospects from the tourists as a source of a better life. Tourism offers some women hope of finding love and marriage to able foreigners who will take them out of their country and or poverty to new prospects of a good life. The economic power of male tourists is able to buy any activity from a woman. How do women challenge this representation? There have been concerted efforts by women scholars to dispel the picture of Dominican women as being a sex market for tourists. These efforts have been in the line of academia from where female researchers have tried to paint a different picture of the Dominican sex industry. In doing this effort, they have tried to explain the set up of the situation by showing that it is beyond these women’s will to engage in the practice. They have blamed the matter on globalization and the liberalism associated with it. To prove their point, they have come up with examples of how globalization has opened up other closed cultures like those of the Indian women into a form of eroticism liberalization. Women tend to be the main subjects in this case because they are portrayed as the weaker sex between them and men. Thus, when it comes to survival, women tend to struggle a lot to survive (A Biocathography, n.d, p. 197). In her book, Reworking the National in Global Capitalism, Bear paints a picture of how women in Kolkota embrace any prospects that can better their lives. In her opinion, gender plays a big role in defining roles in society. More often, women are always disadvantaged when it comes to them competing with men. Although such scholars have come out to the defense of women, the defen se has been found to be largely hypothetical because it picks from the minority of the group as the representation of the whole group. To most women on the ground, prostitution has been embraced as a source of income that has changed the cultural set up of the community to fit into the changes brought to the community by globalization. As much as academicians try to paint a picture of an enforced practice because of poverty and other challenges, ethical morals of the community have been left open because prostitution in the Dominican Republic is neither legal nor illegal. Conclusion Sex tourism has cut a niche for itself as a form of tourism that is able to move the economy of a given country forward. In countries like Netherlands, it is an organized business that formally pays tax from its income. Thus, its illegitimacy is relative to ones ethical subscriptions. Women tend to be affected most in the case of sex tourism, as they are the most targeted for sex by men who make up the m ajority of sex buyers. Reference List A Biocathography (n.d). Maids, Neoslavery and NGO’s. New York: Word Press. Appadurai, A. (1990). Disjuncture in the Global Economy. London: Sage Publication. Bear, L. (n.d). Rewriting the National in Global Capitalism: Freedom and Consumption in the Lives of International Call Centre Workers in Kolkata. Oxford: Oxford UP. Gregory, S. (2007). The Devil Behind the Mirror: Globalization and Politics in the Dominican Republic. London: University of California Press. Said, A. (n.d). Orientalism: Introduction. London: Sage.
Friday, November 22, 2019
When to Ask for Graduate School Recommendation Letters
When to Ask for Graduate School Recommendation Letters Faculty members are busy people and graduate admissions time falls at an especially hectic point in the academic year - usually at the end of the fall semester. It is important that hopeful applicants demonstrate respect for their letter writers time by providing them with plenty of advance notice. Although at least a month is preferable, more is better and less than two weeks is unacceptable - and will likely be met with a no by the faculty member. The ideal time to give a letter writer, though, is anywhere from one to two months before the letter is due with your submission. What Letter Writers Need From the Applicant Chances are, the letter writer a graduate school applicant has selected knows him or her on a professional and personal level and will, therefore, have a good foundation for what should be included, but he or she may need a bit more information about the program being applied to, the applicants goals in applying, and even perhaps a bit more information about the applicants academic and professional careers. When asking a peer, colleague, or faculty member to write a letter of recommendation, it is important the writer knows the finer points of the program being applied to. For instance, if the applicant is requesting a letter for a medical graduate school as opposed to a graduate law school, the writer would want to include accomplishments the applicant has made in the medical field while under his or her guidance. Understanding the applicants goals in continuing to pursue an education will also benefit the writer. If, for instance, the applicant hopes to further his or her understanding of a field as opposed to progressing his career, the writer may want to include independent research projects he or she helped the applicant with or a particularly strong academic paper the student wrote on the matter. Finally, the more details an applicant is able to provide the letter writer about his or her accomplishments in academic or professional pursuits of the degree, the better the letter of recommendation will be. Even a students most trusted advisor might not know the full breadth of his or her achievements, so its important they give a bit of a background on their history in the field. What to Do After Getting a Letter Provided the applicant gave the letter writer enough time before the application deadline, there are a few things the applicant should do after receiving his or her recommendation letter. First things first - applicants should read the letter and make sure none of the information in it is erroneous or contradicts other parts of their application. If an error is spotted, its perfectly acceptable to ask the writer to have another look and inform them of the mistake. Secondly, its very important that applicants write a thank you letter, note, or some sort of gesture of gratitude toward the faculty member or colleague who wrote the letter - this little thanks goes a long way in maintaining important professional connections in a related field (since most letter writers should be affiliated with the field of study the applicant is pursuing).Finally, applicants must not forget to send the letter with their graduate school applications. It may seem obvious, but the number of times these vital pieces of paper fall to the wayside in the chaos of applying bears repeating: do not forget to send the recommendation letter.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Company Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Company Law - Essay Example The tax system also favours debt financing. The share capital and its cost is difficult to determine as there is no schedule that determines the amount that is paid to the shareholders. Furthermore, the tax system does not favour share capital. If a share capital is raised, the person who acquires such shares and becomes member of the company and in accordance with his class is granted certain rights. Thus it can be safely said that there would be a degree of influence which he can exercise over the running of the company. This is so even if the person is a minority shareholder. As far as a lender is concerned, he is generally not entitled to interfere in the running of the company and so as long as the company is complying with the terms of the debenture no action can be taken by the lender so as to influence the policy of the company. In respect of a dividend for the shares, it needs to be paid only if there is a profit and that too is discretionary that is the directors decide upo n whether it should be paid or not. Contrary to shares, the interest on debt finance must be paid in accordance with what had been agreement upon and is in no way dependent upon the profits of the company. Thus even if there are no profits, the capital has to be used so as to pay the interest failure of which would entitle the lender to appoint an administrator or receiver, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. As far as dividend is concerned, it is not a deductible expense because of the fact that is a distribution of profit and a corporation tax has been deducted from it. However, in respect of the interest for the land and because of the fact that such has been taken as a trading expense and is taken into consideration for computing trading profit, tax is deductible. In respect of share capital a company normally does not have to repay its members the capital which was invested in the company, when company is wound up. Thus the directors do not have to con sider this point. However, for loan capital, there is a date in future on which the loan has to be repaid, which can also be on demand, thus the directors have to consider this and ensure the availability of funds whenever the loan falls due. Thus debt financing may increase earnings per share but there might be a reduction in share price. Thus if investors find that too much has been borrowed then they might sell shares resulting in the company to have greater liabilities than its assets. Thus the directors have to take this into account and to maintain the gearing ratios and to raise share capital and debt finance accordingly. Thus the directors of Green Books Plc would benefit from the advantages listed above and suffer from the disadvantages as well. (ii) In respect of charges, most of them need to be registered with the Companies Registry (CA 2006, s 860) and would be void against liquidator, administrator or creditor who has an interest in the secured assets if not registered (s.874). However, it is important to mention that the contract that is existent between the lender and the company would still be held valid. As for fixed charges over land they must be registered in HM Land Registry. As far as securities are concerned the most attractive ones are buildings etc. A number of fixed charges can be created
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Community - Essay Example I attended a conference organized by the California State University, Northridge to address the issue of women empowerment in Latin America. The Conference was held on 12th December 2011, with powerful women attending, including Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton. One of the objectives of the conference was to show that despite the negative prejudices placed on women, there are those who have conquered that belief and succeeded in their daily undertakings. Women’s great contributions to the community were greatly acknowledged, especially those realized in hospitals, schools, and institutions that support the poor. In the conference, it was noted that economic inequalities as well as legal and political structures play a vital role in worsening the overall empowerment of women. In her speech, Oprah Winfrey stated that inheritance laws and cultural practices discriminate and undermine women in several fields (Ellison 233). For example, in some of the Latin American communities, girls inherit half as much as their brothers, while mothers get less than what their children get; and if children pass away, mothers inherit less than fathers do. Such cultural practices deny women key resources that can help them emerge as successful people in the society. The conference was organized in a way that, the day was divided into shorter sessions and evening sessions where the real objective of giving the techniques to be used by women to conquer the social prejudices were addressed by the speakers. The audience did not consist of women alone, but men as well, since the whole community has a role to play in the empowerment of women. The conference seemed extremely lively as everyone participated wholly in his or her own way. Some questionnaires were passed around in the conference concerning women issues, and the audience ware so positive in answering. Participants
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Stock Essay Example for Free
Stock Essay A stock sells for $10 per share. You purchase 100 shares for $10 a share (i.e., for $1000), and after a year the price rises to $17.50. What will be the percentage return on your investment if you bought the stock on margin and the margin requirement was (a) 25 percent, (b) 50 percent, and (c) 75 percent? (Ignore commissions, dividends, and interest expense.) Initial Stock price per share$10 # of Shares Purchased 100 New Stock price per share $17.50 Gain= New Price Initial Price $750.00 = ($17.50 x 100) ($10 x 100) Purchase Price =Initial Stock price per share x # of Shares Purchased $1,000 FORMULA: Percentage Return =Gain (Margin Requirement x Purchase Price) SOLUTION to (a): 300%$750.00 $250.00 SOLUTION to (b): 150%$750.00 $500.00 SOLUTION to (c): 100%$750.00 $750.00
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia :: Causes of Anorexia, Bulimia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder where people starve themselves. Anorexia usually begins in young people around the onset of puberty. Individuals suffering from anorexia have extreme weight loss. Weight loss is usually 15% below the person's normal body weight. People suffering from anorexia are very skinny but are convinced that they are overweight. Weight loss is obtained by many ways. Some of the common techniques used are excessive exercise, intake of laxatives and not eating. Anorexics have an intense fear of becoming fat. Their dieting habits develop from this fear. Anorexia nervosa is not associated with any pre-existing physical illness. It is on the increase in adolescent girls and younger women, although the incidence is also increasing in young men. It is often associated with depression and low self-esteem, and sometimes with a resistance to growing up, or problems with sexuality. Many medical workers and others claim that the emphasis in Western society on thinness as being central to the concept of beauty is a prime reason for the increase in anorexia nervosa. Because many individuals with anorexia nervosa never seek medical treatment, the exact prevalence of the condition is unknown. People with anorexia continue to think they are overweight even after they become extremely thin, are very ill or near death. Often they will develop strange eating habits such as refusing to eat in front of other people. Sometimes the individuals will prepare big meals for others while refusing to eat any of it. The disorder is thought to be most common among whites, people of higher socio-economic classes, and people involved in activities where thinness is especially looked upon, such as dancing, modelling, and distance running. If you have a family member that with an eating disorder, they need a lot of support. Suggest that your family member see an eating disorder expert. Be prepared for denial, resistance, and even anger. A doctor and/or a counsellor can help them battle their eating disorder. There are many symptoms for anorexia, some individuals may not
Monday, November 11, 2019
Poverty and the US Economy Essay
Today, there are developed, emerging and developing countries in the world. A larger percentage of people live under extreme poverty in most developing countries. In most developed countries poverty exist, but a lower proportion. Most developing countries formulate policies either monetary or fiscal to reduce the prevalence of poverty. However, there is no country without a policy options for elimination poverty. In a broader sense, poverty cannot be eradicated, but can be reduced to a certain level. This is why countries are pursuing various polices that could help reduce poverty in their region. Fiscal and monetary policies are the main tools used in formulating various strategies, actions that aim to reduce poverty. This issue leads us to poverty issue in the United States of America. Then, what are the various policies that can be used to eliminate poverty in the country. Should the policy makers make use of fiscal or monetary policy? Subsequently, what policy tools will be used, fiscal or monetary? In this write up there will be a comprehensive analysis on what policy option that should enacted to eliminate poverty in the USA. To begin with, understanding what fiscal and monetary policy entails is necessary. Then, what is fiscal policy? In a simple term, fiscal policy refers to an effort by the government to manage, influence and guide the tempo or direction of the economy by using its major tools taxation and its total spending. There are two major tools of fiscal policy, which are taxation and government spending. In addition, there could be contractionary or expansionary fiscal policy. Expansionary fiscal policy here means when there is increase in government spending or reduction in taxation. This normally leads to budget deficit and vice versa. While, monetary policy refers to an effort by the government to change the pace of the economy by influencing or controlling the money supply and interest rates. These various policies are pursued by government in other to achieve the basic economic objectives of full employment, stability in price level and growth of the economy. However, in the US the fiscal or monetary policies have to be enacted in other to reduce or eliminate poverty. In performing this task, different things have to be put in their rightful place. Even though, poverty cannot be eliminated from the country yet with a very good fiscal and monetary policies it proportion could be reduce. The reason why I believe poverty cannot be completely eliminated is because of the way economy and nation evolves. From time immemorial, there have been some certain classes of people in the economy. They range from upper, middle and lower classes. In any economy, there will always be the lower class and this comprises of the people living below the poverty line. In addition, there will always be those at the receiving end. Africa can be a very good example of this issue. Therefore, there is way how we would not have poverty in any nation. What can only be done is to reduce drastically the number. In country like the US, the poverty rate can be reduced to a small level if government pursues good monetary and fiscal policies. The government could enact fiscal, monetary policies and both together in the economy to reduce the poverty rate. These would be explained as follows: Firstly, we are going to consider the fiscal policy. Since, our main aim is to reduce the level of poverty. The government could pursue both the contractionary or expansionary fiscal policy. However, global financial crises have an overall effect on the nation’s economy. Moreover, the US government could enact contractionary policy to reduce the level of inflation. Since, the tools of fiscal policy are taxation and government spending. The government should reduce its spending and increase the tax of the elite and the upper class in the nation only. When this is done, the government will have more funds, which could be spent on increasing the aggregate demand of the lower class or people living below the poverty line. In a way the real income of the lower class will be increased through this policy, since the funds will be redistribute from the rich to the poor. In a way, there is the effect that fiscal policy has on the nation at large and on the individual as a whole. In as much as our focus relates to individual then, we pursue those action that will be beneficial to the individual rather than the whole nation. In addition, when government pursue budget deficit the economy is receiving less than what its expend. In this case, the government will have to finance this deficit using different approaches. They could borrow the populace or sell assets. Sale of asset may include the sale of bonds and treasury bills in other to offset the deficit. Treasury bills and bond are example of government tools use to reduce the money in circulation. Government sells these to the public in other to remove money in circulation. This money needed will be gotten from the upper class or the rich by increasing their tax. On the other hand, an expansionary fiscal policy could also be enacted. Here, the government should reduce the tax of the lower class and government should increase their spending on economic activities that could increase aggregate demand of this lower class and result in increased productivity. When government takes this action, the real income or the disposable income of this class of people would increase and thereby increasing their purchasing power. Given that, disposable income is the income that is left for spending when tax has been removed from income. In addition, when government increases their spending they pursue budget deficit. Here, they should incur these funds on economic activities that could increase the productivity and aggregate demand of the lower class. When there is increase in government spending, it means that the government is redistributing its asset to its populace. Thereby increasing total productivity in the economy and leading to increase in total income. This increase in total income will trickle down to the lower class and increase their disposable income. In essence, when government pursues the basic economic objective, they will be solving the issue of eliminating poverty indirectly. Therefore, the government could use fiscal policy in reducing the level of poverty in the nation However, the government in pursuing this objective of eliminating poverty can also use monetary policy. They could also use expansionary monetary policy. In a way, contractionary monetary policy will not be effective in achieving this objective. When they wish to use expansionary policy, the government should influence the interest rate by reducing it using its various tools. When this happens, investment will increase leading to increase in productivity that will trickle down to the lower class. Since, increasing productivity more labor effort would be require in achieving this. Then, there will be increase in employment that will trickle down to the lower class. In a way, more people will be employed and this will include the lower class. This situation will increase the real income of the lower class and will enable them live above the poverty line. However, the contractionary monetary policy will not be effective in this case. Since, under this policy there will be reduction in the rate of interest and consequently leading to decrease in productivity. When productivity is reduced, it means inventory is reducing and companies are sacking workers and this most times affects the lower class. Therefore, this will further worsen poverty situation in the country and contributing to increase in the level of unemployment. In another way, the government could combine both fiscal and monetary policies in other to achieve their objective of eliminating poverty in the country. What is needed is the right combination in other to guide against inflation. The government could influence the interest rate and at the same time enact policy that would make lower income earners pay reduce tax or used to offset the feedback from these policy option. The government could also combine expansionary monetary and fiscal contractionary policies in a way to offset any feedback from this policy options. In conclusion, there are ways the government of the United States of America could use to eliminate poverty. However, we should have it in mind that poverty cannot be eliminated permanently in the country. It could only be reduce to its barest minimum. In a way, the government actions are very vital. The two main policies to be enacted are the monetary and the fiscal policy. Finally, I think the global financial crises have a way of influencing the way these policies will work.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Better to be Feared or Loved? Essay
In The Prince, Niccolà ² Machiavelli goes into depth about how it is better to be feared than loved. He states that â€Å"Well, one would like to be both; but it’s difficult for one person to be both feared and loved, and when a choice has to be made it is safer to be feared.†I disagree with Machiavelli that it is better to be feared than to be loved. Being feared eventually wears off while being loved is always a feeling that will be there. There are many reasons why I disagree with Machiavelli. First of all, it is better to be loved than feared. Sometimes being feared will help someone get what they want, but with fear, feelings of resentment and hate can be found. It will also nurture subversive thoughts of revenge and other malicious intent. Just like in the TV show Gossip Girl, the main characters Blair and Sarina go back and forth seeking revenge over each other because one has more than the other. They are always in a constant battle against each other. Fear mu st be used in a tightly controlled and insistent fashion or it will fail. To be loved, however, nurtures caring, loyalty, kindness, and other positive binding and giving emotions. It can spawn jealousy in some, but overall it is a much better relationship to have with other people. Fear can cause people to retaliate and eventually disappear. In the article, â€Å"Leadership and the Fear Factor†, the authors state â€Å"Emotions like love and fear, trust and mistrust, can play a significant role in whether a leader gains followers.†This concludes that typically leaders or anyone in the society gain followers by having trust and love. On a more of personal relationship, I would rather be loved, because to have everyone show fear towards each other, would mean you have no intimate relations with anyone and that is not true living. Franklin P. Jones once said, â€Å"Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.†It is the most powerful feeling to feel loved. I know this by having such a supportive family. My family is always there through thick and thin and are always showing their love and compassion. I also know how it feels to be truly hated. In middle school, there was this girl named Hunter Welch and no matter how hard I tried, she always hated me. So on further note, I think love is a way more powerful feeling. It does seem noticeable however, that someone would want to be feared if they are in a high position or authority. People who are in high authority are often driven by those who rule by fear. However, in a more personal relationship, it is best to be loved. In the article â€Å"Connect, Then Lead†, the authors gained my full attention. They question the readers, â€Å"Which is better, being loveable or being strong?†This question involves people who are on a high authority. The authors say, â€Å"Leaders who project strength before establishing trust run the risk of eliciting fear, and along with it a host of dysfunctional behaviors.†By this, they mean people ruin the leadership effectiveness. The authors then say, â€Å"The chances that a manager who is strongly disliked will be consi dered a good leader are only about one in two thousand.†Just by these statements, it is best to say that being feared rather than loved does not get people very far. Being feared can cause a mass of destruction, but being loved by people can cause a more healthy relationship between others and the society. In conclusion, people who are loved are more valued than being feared. Whether people are of a high authority or just a common citizen, it is better for people to be loved than feared. Having hatred towards others or yourself will only cause loneliness and heartache. For example, Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Nazi Germany during World War II, may have had many people support him. However, Hitler caused only hatred and brought a lot of destruction. On a further note, being loved is better than being feared. Love has a stronger connection than fear.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Why Did British Men Enlist in the British Army in 1914 Essay Example
Why Did British Men Enlist in the British Army in 1914 Essay Example Why Did British Men Enlist in the British Army in 1914 Essay Why Did British Men Enlist in the British Army in 1914 Essay is an example of making soldiers feeling guilty, as they had feelings of fear and embarrassment holding them back from participating in the war. The poster shows two children asking their father, who is sitting on a chair, if he had taken part in the war. This implies that the children look up to the father. The father has a look of guilt in his eyes, and viewers, especially young men, would not want this to happen to them. As a result, men joined the army in large numbers. Also like the White Feather method people also sent abusive letters to people who had not joined the army.. A taunting letter forwarded to a railway porter who had not yet enlisted It reads: Dear Mr. E. A. Brookes seeing that you cannot be a man not to Join the army. We offer you an invitation to join our Girl Scouts as washer up, .. Scout mistress Bath Girl Scouts. The objective of all this pressure was to push the people receiving the intimidation to feel guilty and join up right away; these men were probably less patriotic if patriotic at all because they refused to help the country. It is clear there are many reasons why the British forces needed more men, but through unforeseen circumstances the British underestimated the German forces. The reasons why the British men joined the army included: patriotism, adventure, guilt, more money, peer pressure and many more.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Science Fair Project Help
Science Fair Project Help Science fair projects are a great way to learn about the scientific method, experimentation, and science concepts. However, it can be difficult to know where to start when you need a project idea. Sometimes you already have a great idea but have problems with the project or questions about the report, judging, display, or presentation. Here are some resources to give you the help you need. Find a Project Idea How to Find an Original Science Fair Project IdeaAcids, Bases pH Project IdeasArchaeology Science Fair Project IdeasAstronomy Project IdeasBiology Science Fair Project IdeasChemistry How-To GuideChemistry Science Project IdeasCrystal Science Project IdeasDesigning a Winning ProjectEasy Science Fair Project IdeasDry Ice Science Fair Project IdeasEngineering Science Fair Project IdeasFire, Candles Combusion Project IdeasFinding a Science Fair Project TopicGreen Chemistry Project IdeasHome Product Testing ProjectsFood Cooking Chemistry Project IdeasPhysics Project IdeasPlant Soil Chemistry Project IdeasPlastics Polymers Project IdeasPollution Science Fair Project IdeasSalt Sugar Project IdeasSports Science Fair Project Ideas Project Ideas by Grade Level Quick Look at Projects by Educational LevelElementary School ProjectsElementary School - Physical Science Project IdeasMiddle School ProjectsHigh School ProjectsCollege Projects10th Grade Science Fair Projects9th Grade Science Fair Projects8th Grade Science Fair Projects7th Grade Science Fair Projects6th Grade Science Fair Projects5th Grade Science Fair Projects4th Grade Science Fair Projects3rd Grade Science Fair Projects1st Grade Science Fair ProjectsKindergarten Science Fair ProjectsPreschool Science Fair Projects Getting Started with your Project What Is a Science Fair Project?Doing Your Science Fair ProjectScience Project Safety and Ethics Guidelines Sample Experiments Acid Rain ProjectBody Temperature ExperimentBubble Life TemperatureCaffeine and Typing SpeedCarbon Monoxide ExperimentEarthquake ProjectsEffects of Acids Bases on Apple BrowningHead Lice ProjectsMake Liquid MagnetsSnow Projects Presentations Displays Sample Science Fair PosterHow to Do a Bibliography for a Science Fair ProjectMaking a Science Fair Project DisplayWriting a Science Project Report More Help Why Do a Science Fair Project?The Five Types of Science ProjectsThe Scientific Method
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Thousand Pieces of Gold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Thousand Pieces of Gold - Essay Example She made desperate efforts to escape, finally succeeded and hid in a bat cave from where she was caught. At that juncture Ding said to her, â€Å"Don’t you understand, you cannot escape your fate? (77) And finally she was sold a bar owner in America, got a new name Polly and finally the neighbor who won her in a card game, married her and Polly spent the rest of her life taking care of him and her community. A direct response to the question: â€Å"Do you think Ding was right . . . â€Å"(my thesis). No, Ding is absolutely wrong. A series of incidents of suffering in the life of an individual should not be quoted to condemn fate, which normally works to a pre-determined design, but can be challenged successfully by the will power of an individual. Fate (destiny) has two types of movements. Forward movement and lateral movement. Forward movement is that movement over which an individual does not own control. For example, petrol/gas in a motor vehicle is an example of forward movement. This is the source-energy without which the vehicle cannot move an inch, howsoever latest and costly the model is. The chauffeur driving the vehicle is the example of the lateral movement. He controls the movements of the vehicle with self-effort; he can take it in the direction and the speed that he wants. When negligent, accidents may happen. In the present case, that Lalu was born as the daughter of a rich farmer, that her father suffered heavy business losses, that she was sold for two bags of rice to bandits, that she was sold to a Madam and was sexually exploited, were instances of forward movements. That she made efforts to escape, that she learnt the working knowledge of English, that she decided to marry the man who freed her from the bondage of slavery and ultimately she chose to take care of her man and the community to which she belonged were the examples of lateral movement of the fate. Her fighting qualities and will power were components of her fate of late ral movement. In this part of her life she became the creator of her fate, not the victim. The working of the fate in one’s life is a complicated process difficult to understand by the power of reasoning alone, but an individual need to exert to the utmost by the exercise of the will power to emerge as the ultimate victor and seek freedom from the clutches of fate. If perfect happiness does not fall to one’s lot, one needs to learn to live life with the available happiness. Lalu changed her life with her own strength and intelligence and through her fighting qualities of head and heart. 3) 2 examples from the novel itself that support the thesis. Example 1 Through the trials and tribulations of the young but spirited girl Lalu, McCunn highlights the importance of freedom in the life of an individual. Lalu goes through the ordeal of trades of her body from bandits, houses of sexual pleasure and finally to the bar owner in the Gold Mountains, and she understands her wort h and the importance of her body from the point of view of the secular world, and that of her spirit by self-assessment. She has the good estimate of the disposition of wicked society towards a helpless women caught in the wrong place. Lalu laments, â€Å"So long as the woman satisfies that muscle below their belt, they don’t care about anything else†(95)Her reply to the remark from the comrade from the auction house
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