Sunday, January 26, 2020
Attendance System Using Fingerprint
Attendance System Using Fingerprint The project entitled ATTENDANCE SYSTEM USING FINGERPRINT is to provide an authentified attendance system for Roots Industries Limited. This software provides various information, which is useful for user as well as administrator. This software can be used as a whole in organization, or can partly used as separate modules, whenever needed. The project deals with capturing the thumb impression of the employee through the thumb scanner and authenticates with the already registered impression. Attendance will be marked for the matched employee. With the in-time and out-time, the total hours worked by the employee in a day and days worked for the month is calculated. The salary is calculated from loss of pay, basic pay, allowances, and deductions. One of the main advantages of this software is its user friendliness and validation can be done for each and every employee entered. New entries can be registered very easily and if not needed then it can be deleted from the software. The environments being used are VB.NET as front end and SQL Server as back end. This project is developed in the Operating System, Microsoft Windows XP. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter contains the problem definition, about the system environment and the organization profile which gives details about the company. PROBLEM DEFINITION OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE The main objective of this project is to do the following operations Thumb impression Comparisons Attendance Calculation Payroll Calculation The scope of the project is to capture and verify the thumb impression of the employee. And also provide effective means to calculate attendance and payroll for the employee by using thumb impression. This project would greatly help in simplifying the manual attendance calculation and payroll calculation. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION This project makes use of fingerprint to authenticate the employee. This project makes use of the physical hardware device, the thumb scanner to capture the thumb impression of the employee. The Administrator registers the details of new workers. He also registers the unique thumb code of the employee generated by the Thumb scanner. This thumb code is generally an alphanumeric code and it is stored in the database. The employee uses the thumb scanner when he enters and leaves the work place for attendance marking. The generated code is matched with the stored thumb code in the database. The attendance is marked for the corresponding employee where thumb code matches with the generated ones. If there is no match with the thumb code then the administrator will take in charge to check whether the person is a new employee or not. The time duration between intime and outtime is calculated and it is stored as hours worked by the employee. Each time when the outtime is marked the duration is calculated and hours worked (field) is updated. The employee may take leave. The leave taken by the employee is calculated as loss of pay for him. It will be used to calculate net pay for the employee in the payroll calculation. During salary calculation the monthly attendance of the employee, loss of pay, the allowance such as HRA, DA and deductions such as PF, LIC are considered. 1.2 SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT HARDWARE REQUIREMENT Processor : Intel Pentium 4 Scanner : Thumb scanner Hard disk : 40 GB RAM : 224 MB CD-Drive : 48x with R/RW Floppy disk : 1.44 MB Display type : SVGA color monitor Keyboard : Standard 104 Keys Mouse : Logitech. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT Platform : Windows XP Front End : VB.NET Back End : SQL Server 1.3 ORGANIZATION PROFILE Park Solutions is emerging as one of the leaders in the field of software development by delivering comprehensive financial business solutions software and services. With state of the art facilities our software development centre caters to many diversified software requirements. Here challenging projects are undertaken by bright and enthusiastic teams using high-end software solutions and cutting edge technologies. MISSION Will to win in the competitive world by exceeding expectations. Achieving the hallmark of success, a platform to attract customers. Treating every goal/target as a challenge. Creating value at every angle/turn in each of the business units. Motivation through team work. VISION Innovation: Striving to be the best through being the first in all services and solutions. Quality Service: Always setting a target to exceed expectations. Diversity: Stamping the quality mark on a diversified community. Global View: Focus on the world market for constant improvement. Customer Satisfaction: Setting a chain reaction of satisfaction in each customer and creating reliability. FOCUS Serving the community for an improved and better life through its multi commitments in health care and other services. Providing means to the society for quality-oriented services. Opening new opportunities in the diversified business units. Keeping ahead with competitors in the market with services exceeding expectations. Conscientious contribution to the society through free health care services. CHAPTER II ANALYSIS This chapter contains the detailed description about the existing system and its disadvantages, the need for the proposed system and its advantages. The requirements specification is followed by the system analysis model. The system analysis model gives a clear representation of both the Entity Relationship diagram and the Data Flow diagram. 2.1 THE EXISTING SYSTEM The system currently used in the organization is manual work. The main drawbacks of the existing system is, It is time consuming process. There is a possibility for loss of records. Tedious paper work. Manual calculations may be wrong. 2.2 THE PROPOSED SYSTEM The proposed system will overcome all the difficulties of the existing system. The advantages of the proposed system is, The proposed system will provide best security than the existing system. Less time consuming. No records will be lost. Easy to maintain. The proposed system is easy to access and user friendly. No chance for duplication of thumb impression of employee. 2.3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS EMPLOYEE DETAIL MANAGEMENT The administrator registers the details of new workers. He also registers the unique thumb code of the employee. The thumb code is generally an alphanumeric code. FINGERPRINT RECOGNITION The employee uses thumb scanner when he enters and leaves the work place The thumb scanner will generate the thumb code for the received impression. The generated code is matched with the stored thumb code in the database. If there is no match for the generated code an error message will be displayed. ATTENDANCE CALCULATION The attendance is marked for the matched impressions. The time duration between intime and outtime is calculated The time duration is stored as hours worked by the employee. Each time when the outtime is marked the duration is calculated and hours worked (field) is updated. PAYROLL CALCULATION The leave taken by the employee is calculated as loss of pay. The loss of pay will be used to calculate net pay for the employee. Salary calculation includes monthly attendance, loss of pay, the allowance such as HRA, DA and deductions such as PF, LIC. NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Non functional are properties and qualities the software system must possess providing its intended functional requirements. Operational Requirements: These requirements specify the environment in which the software will be running, including, hardware platforms, external interfaces and operating systems. This project is done using VB.NET and SQL Server in XP environment. Performance Requirements: These requirements specify possibly lower and upper bounds on speed, calculation of time and storage characteristics of the software. The attendance and payroll calculation time is minimized. Maintainability Requirements: These requirements specify the expected response time for dealing with various maintenance activities. The maintenance of the fingerprint attendance system is good. Security Requirements: These requirements specify the levels and types of security mechanisms that need to be specified during the operations of the system. The attendance system is highly securable as we use thumb impression. 2.4 SYSTEM ANALYSIS MODEL 2.4.1 PROCESS MODEL LEVEL 0: CONTEXT FLOW DIAGRAM Fig 2.1 Context Flow Diagram This Fig 2.1 represents the Context Flow Diagram of the Attendance System using Fingerprint. The thumb impression of the employee is taken as input and the days worked by the employee are generated as output. LEVEL 1: DATA FLOW DIAGRAM Fig 2.2 Level 1 Data Flow Diagram This Fig 2.2 represents the Level 1 Data Flow Diagram of the Attendance System using Fingerprint this diagram explains how the attendance is calculated. The thumb code of the employee is taken as input and in-time or out-time of the employee is marked based on the entry or exit of the employee. From this, the days worked by the employee is calculated as output. LEVEL 2: DATA FLOW DIAGRAM Fig 2.3 Level 2 Data Flow Diagram This Fig 2.3 represents the Level 2 Data Flow Diagram of the Attendance System using Fingerprint. This diagram explains how the salary is calculated from the number of days worked and loss of pay. From the days worked the salary of the employee is calculated based on the basic pay, allowances and deductions. 2.4.2 DATA MODEL ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM Fig 2.4 Entity Relationship Diagram This fig 2.4 represents the Entity Relationship Diagram for Attendance System using Fingerprint. 2.4.3 USE CASE DIAGRAM Fig 2.5 Use Case Diagram This Fig 2.5 represents the Use Case Diagram for the Attendance System using Fingerprint. 2.4.4 ACTIVITY DIAGRAM Fig 2.6 Activity Diagram This Fig 2.6 represents the Activity Diagram of the Attendance System using Fingerprint. 2.5 TEST PLAN Test case no: 1 Description: Validating the administrator by providing Login Id and Password. Expected result: If incorrect Login Id or password was given an error message LOGIN INCORRECT will be displayed. Test case no: 2 Description: Validating the administrator by providing Login Id and Password. Expected result: If correct Login Id and password was given LOGIN CORRECT message will be displayed and control is transferred to Administrator form. Test case no: 3 Description: Capturing thumb impression of the employee. Expected result: If there is no matching record for the current thumb impression then No such employee message will be displayed. Test case no: 4 Description: Capturing thumb impression of the employee. Expected result: If there is matching record for the current thumb impression then attendance is marked for that employee. Test case no: 5 Description: Registering the new employee details. Expected result: Registered message will be displayed. CHAPTER III SYSTEM DESIGN This chapter includes various designs of the systems namely architectural design, database design, user interface design, module design and procedural design. 3.1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Attendance System Using Fingerprint Employee Detail Management Fingerprint Recognition Attendance Calculation Payroll Calculation Fig 3.1 Architectural Design This fig 3.1 represents the Architectural design of Attendance system using Fingerprint. This system is divided into four modules. They are Employee detail management Fingerprint Recognition Attendance calculation Payroll calculation EMPLOYEE DETAIL MANAGEMENT The administrator registers the details of new workers. He also registers the unique thumb code of the employee. The thumb code is generally an alphanumeric code. FINGERPRINT RECOGNITION The employee uses thumb scanner when he enters and leaves the work place The thumb scanner will generate the thumb code for the received impression. The generated code is matched with the stored thumb code in the database. If there is no match for the generated code an error message will be displayed. ATTENDANCE CALCULATION The attendance is marked for the matched impressions. The time duration between in-time and out-time is calculated The time duration is stored as hours worked by the employee. Each time when the out-time is marked the duration is calculated and hours worked (field) is updated. PAYROLL CALCULATION The loss of pay will be used to calculate net pay for the employee. Salary calculation includes monthly attendance, loss of pay, the allowance such as HRA, DA and deductions such as PF, LIC. 3.2 DATABASE DESIGN TABLE NAME : EMPLOYEE Table 3.1 Field Name Data Type Constraint Description E_Id Int(4) Primarykey Id of the employee E_Name Varchar(20) Notnull Name of the employee Dob Datetime(8) Notnull Date of Birth Sex Varchar(6) Notnull Male/Female t_code Varchar(500) ForeignKey Thumb code of the emp Address Varchar(25) Notnull the employee address Phno Int(4) Null Contact Number dateofjoin Datetime(8) Not null Date Of Join Mobileno Int(4) Null Contact mobile number Dept_name Varchar(25) Not null Name of the department. This Employee table includes the employee details of Attendance System Using Fingerprint. TABLE NAME: THUMBSCANNER Table 3.2 Field Name Data Type Constraint Description T_code Varchar(25) Primarykey Thumb code of the employee E_id Int(4) ForeignKey Id of the employee This thumb scanner table includes the thumb code and employee id of Attendance System Using Fingerprint. TABLE NAME: ATTENDANCE Table 3.3 Field Name Data Type Constraint Description t_code Varchar(25) Foreignkey Thumb code of the employee Intime Datetime(8) Null User entry time Outtime Datetime(8) Null User outtime Hrsworked Int(4) null Difference between in and out time Totaldays Int(4) Notnull Days worked in a month This attendance table includes the Hours worked field that is determined from the difference between the times. From the Hours worked field total days is calculated. TABLE NAME: LEAVE Table 3.4 Field Name Data Type Constraint Description E_Id Int(4) Foreign key Id of the employee Medicalleave Int(4) null Remaining medical leave Casualleave Int(4) null Remaining casual leave Leavetaken Int(4) null Leaves taken in the month. This leave table includes the leave taken by the employee for the month. TABLE NAME: SALARY Table 3.5 Field Name Data Type Constraint Description E_Id Int(4) Foreignkey Id of the empoloyee Basicpay Float(8) notnull Basic pay of the employee Pf Float(8) notnull pf% for the employee LIC Float(8) notnull LIC% for the employee Netpay Float(8) notnull Salary for the employee Lossofpay Int(4) null Loss of pay for the employee Grosspay Float(8) Notnull Grosspay of the employee. Hra Float(8) Notnull Hra% for the employee. da Float(8) Notnull da% for the employee. 3.3 USER INTERFACE DESIGN MAIN FORM Screen 3.1 This Screen 3.1 is the main form of Attendance System using Fingerprint. MAIN FORM SHOWING MENU OPTIONS Screen 3.2 This Screen 3.2 is the main form of Attendance System using Fingerprint. In the main menu when employee is selected user and admin options will be shown. ADMINISTRATOR LOGIN FORM Screen 3.3 This Screen 3.3 represents the administrator login. Here the password and login should given by the administrator. ADMIN FORM Screen 3.4 This Screen 3.4 represents the administrator form. This form will be shown only when the password and login in the admin form is correct. ADMIN FORM SHOWING SUBMENUS Screen 3.5 This Screen 3.5 represents the administrator form. This form represents the choices in the main menu. REGISTRATION FORM Screen 3.6 This Screen 3.6 represents the registration form. Administrator gets the details from the new employee and stores it in the database. ADMIN FORM SHOWING MENU OPTIONS Screen 3.7 This Screen 3.7 represents the administrator form. This form represents the subdivision in the main menu. VIEW FORM Screen 3.8 This Screen 3.8 represents the view form. 0Administrator will select the id from the combo box if he needed to know the details of the employee. MAIN FORM SHOWING VIEW OPTIONS Screen 3.9 This Screen 3.9 represents the main form of the attendance system using fingerprint. LEAVE FORM Screen 3.10 This Screen 3.10 represents the leave form. Here the employees have to select the date of leave. SALARY FORM Screen 3.11 This Screen 3.11 represents the salary form. The salary of the employee will be displayed with his name. MAIN FORM SHOWING MENU OPTIONS Screen 3.12 This Screen 3.12 is the main form of Attendance System using Fingerprint. In the main menu when employee is selected user and admin options will be shown. ATTENDANCE FORM Screen 3.13 This Screen 3.13 is the Attendance form of Attendance System using Fingerprint. This form displays the details of the employee when the current thumb impression matched with the impression stored in the database. 3.4 PROCEDURAL DESIGN EMPLOYEE DETAIL MANAGEMENT Start Administrator gets new employee details Stores into database Stop Fig 3.2 This fig 3.2 represents the procedural design of employee detail management module of Attendance system using fingerprint. FINGERPRINT RECOGNITION Stop Fig 3.3 This fig 3.3 represents the procedural design of fingerprint recognition module of Attendance system using fingerprint. ATTENDANCE CALCULATION Start Recognize the employee Marks in-time and out-time Hours worked per day is calculated Days worked is calculated Stop Fig 3.4 This fig 3.4 represents the procedural design of attendance calculation module of Attendance system using fingerprint. PAYROLL CALCULATION Start Basic pay, hra, da, lic, pf are retrieved from database Loss of pay is calculated for leave taken by the employee Net pay is calculated from allowances, deductions and loss of pay Stop Fig 3.5 This fig 3.5 represents the procedural design of payroll calculation module of Attendance system using fingerprint. CHAPTER IV TESTING AND IMPLEMENTATION 4.1 TEST REPORTS Test case no Description Iteration No Expected result Actual Result Reasons for Failure 1 Validating the administrator by providing Login Id and Password. 1 Login correct Incorrect login Login Id and Password are incorrect. 1 Validating the administrator by providing Login Id and Password. 2 Login correct Correct login 2 Capturing thumb impression of the employee 1 Submitted Submitted 3 Registering the new employee details 1 Registered Registered 4 Invalid person places the thumb impression 1 No matching record No matching record 4.2 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION STEP 1: Start the process. STEP 2: Employee places the thumb on the thumb scanner. STEP 3: The scanner generates thumb code corresponding to the thumb impression. STEP 4: This code is matched with the already stored code in the database. STEP 5: If there is a match, the employee ID and employee name is retrieved from the employee table and present time is marked as intime or outtime correspondingly to the entry or exit of the employee. STEP 6: If no match occurs then No Record for the Employee message will be displayed. STEP 7: The difference between intime and outtime is marked as hours worked and each time when the employee goes out the hours worked field is updated in the database. STEP 8: According to the total no of hours worked by the employee ,attendance is marked (as half day or full day). STEP 9: The total number of days worked in the month is calculated. STEP 10: Accordingly no of leave taken by the employee is noted. STEP 11: If the casual leave and medical leave taken by him is more than the allotted leave then it is considered to be the loss of pay. STEP 12: The allowances such as HRA, DA are added and the deductions such as PF, LIC, loss of pay are deduced from the basic pay and thus the net pay is calculated. STEP 13: To include a new employee the administrator has to be logged in using the login-id and password. STEP 14: He registers the employee details such as employee-id, employee-name, date-of-birth, date-of-join, mobile-no, sex and address. STEP 15: Stop the execution. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION The use of computerized approach in employee recognition reduces lot of time and provides more security and accuracy. The system is very flexible and user friendly. Further enhancements can me made with less effort. Modification can be made to the system with out much difficulty. The system is easy to access, understand and recognition of thumb impression enables the administration to do the attendance calculation work with less effort. There is a scope for enhancement of the project in terms of advanced technologies and uploading facilities. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS The adopting of Object Oriented Design (OOD) methodology in handling the software development makes it easy to accommodate changes, maintain, enhancements in future and upgradeability. The use of Database methods in this project enhances easy maintainability. As these mechanisms are reused, the development of newer modules and upgrading of the software to newer technology is effortless and straight forward.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Do We Define Our Lives Essay
Over the last decade or so people have begun to make a shift into accepting a new way of looking at the world that we live in – the belief that is making this impact is that you create your own life and, in some respects, you are in charge of your own destiny. This system of beliefs became known as the â€Å"New Age Movement†, however it’s really not all that new. The â€Å"law of attraction†, as it’s also known, has been around perhaps nearly as long as humans have been able to have reasonable thoughts. In fact, there’s a quote from Buddha saying, â€Å"All that we are is a result of what we have thought.†This law of attraction has only gained popularity recently because of the emergence of books like The Secret into popular culture that seemed to take the world by storm. As with anything that becomes hugely popular, it has varied from being widely accepted to being strongly criticized. There are numerous authors who have written boo ks instructing readers how to â€Å"tap into the universe†and use the law of attraction to bring things into your life that you want. Conversely, there are just as many who criticize this new way of thinking as being lazy, selfish, and causing people to not take responsibility for the actual work needed to achieve their goals. Perhaps the biggest criticism of the New Age movement comes unsurprisingly from the Christian community, who claim that the idea of you being in control of your own life takes away from the teachings that are portrayed in the Bible – that God is is ultimately in control and that we should leave things completely up to Him. However, even in books guiding people to understand the law of attraction, they use quotes from the Bible or use the name â€Å"God†to describe the force that is helping people achieve their best lives. It’s hard not to get caught up in something that claims that we can â€Å"attract†great things into our lives with little or no effort, or to get caught up in the argument that it’s selfish of us to want certain things in our lives and to pursue them. Ultimately, I think what it comes down to is what you find that works for you. I believe the biggest influence on convincing people that the law of attraction works is participation in the act of defining what you want out of your life instead of floating thorough it aimlessly, and in doing so, you cause yourself to put in motion the actions that will make those things happen. My English professor, Dr. Janet Smith, expressed it best when she said, â€Å"You can’t control other people and you can’t control the world, but to some extent you can control your own life.†Another influence from the law of attraction is actively changing your perspective on the events that are happening in your life. Abraham Lincoln is quoted as saying, â€Å"People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be†and I have to say that I agree whole-heartedly with him. To begin to understand the law of attraction and the effect that it’s had on the world and even on your own life, the first thing that you should look at is the book The Secret written by Rhonda Byrne, released in 2006. The book actually came out some time shortly after the movie that shared the same title and is basically a way of reiterating the main thoughts that were presented in the film, but in a text version that could be easier used for referring back to. The book begins by introducing the idea of the law of attraction by saying, â€Å"When you focus your thoughts on something you want, and you hold that focus, you are in that moment summoning what you want with the mightiest power in the Universe†(Byrne 14). The book actually takes the liberty of describing the law of attraction as a definable law of nature as is seen when Byrne states, â€Å"The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial and impersonal as the law of gravity is. It is precise, a nd it is exact†(Byrne 27) and also, â€Å"Just like the law of gravity, the law of attraction never slips up†(Byrne 36). The Secret then goes into describing how a person can tap into the law of attraction and bring about the life that they’ve envisioned for themselves. The book highlights â€Å"gratitude†and â€Å"visualization†as being key components to receiving what you seek. Byrne takes an example from her own experience and says, â€Å"With all that I have read and all that I have experienced in my own life using The Secret, the power of gratitude stands above everything else. If you only do one thing with your knowledge of The Secret use gratitude until it becomes a way of life†(Byrne 76). Visualization is described as, â€Å"†¦ powerfully focused thought in pictures†¦ When you are visualizing, you are emitting that powerful frequency out into the Universe. The law of attraction will take hold of that powerful signal and return those pictures back to you, just as you saw them in your mind†(Byrne 81). By using these two powerful forces of attractio n, supposedly you can bring about whatever it is that you desire to have in your life. However, the most important thing to notice here is that by using gratitude in whatever circumstances you find yourself in, you are forcing yourself to change your perspective of how your life appears; and by visualizing what you want out of your life, you are defining clear goals that you want to work to achieve and your subconcious begins to take actions to make that happen for you. One of my good friends, Mark Aspiazu, defined life as a Plinko game: â€Å"The coin is basically going along the path that your life is taking, and each peg is a decision that you make, every day, every hour, every minute, etc. If you have unclear goals, the coin just bounces along and goes wherever. If you define your goal, you find yourself making decisions that push the coin one way or the other; and if you find yourself off the path and then remember your goal, you can bring the coin back to where you want it. Sometimes you meet your goal, sometimes the goal changes, but your decisions never stop pushing the coin (your life) along the path.†– Mark Aspiazu, President of Herzing University (New Orleans campus) A book that I read recently, The Alchemist, written by Paolo Coelho in 1988, is another novel that introduces readers to the idea of the law of attraction and the universe helping people to achieve what they set their minds to. However, in The Alchemist, rather than having personal desires fulfilled by the Universe and the law of attraction, we are introduced to the idea of having a predetermined path that will make our lives complete, should we make the decision to follow it. Paolo Coelho lays out his teachings through the story of a young shepard boy named Santiago who discovers his life path, or â€Å"personal legend†as the author refers to it, through a recurring dream. He then takes bold measures to pursue it and loses everything he has at least twice in the process. But along the way, he meets key people who instruct him on the practice of following your personal legend and lead him in the right direction to follow his own. One of the first, and most influential people that Santiago meets is an old king who introduces him to the idea of personal legends and says, â€Å"†¦ when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it†(Coelho 22). The biggest thing that Santiago is taught to look out for is omens that come from God in various shapes and sizes, â€Å"In order to find the treasure, you will have to follow the omens. God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that He left for you†(Coelho 30). However, following the omens can sometimes be intimidating because it’s a step that you have to take that pushes you out of your comfort zone and into unknown territory. This is where the idea of having the courage to follow your personal legend really comes into play – â€Å"Courage is the quality most essential to understanding the Language of the World†(Coelho 117). This isn’t a foreign concept to anyone and is brought up throughout history, one quote being by Basil King circa 1900, â€Å"Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid†, and another more recently by the former owner of the New Orleans Hornets, George Shinn, â€Å"Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known into the unknown.†Santiago succeeds and manages to follow his personal legend to the end, even though he regretted it and wished to return to his sheep several times along the way. Though sometimes it may seem as if he’s strayed off the path, God and the universe continue to push him and gently guide him in the direction that he’s meant to go. At every crossroad, he’s given the option to turn back or move forward, and though he’s afraid, he perseveres remembering, â€Å"†¦people need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want†(Coelho 76) and eventually finds success and happiness. The idea that Coelho introduces through his simple story is one of choosing to follow a predetermined fate and having God (and therefore, the universe) conspire to help make that a reality. It introduces the law of attraction in a way that would maybe be easier to swallow for those who were most opposed to it. The biggest argument against the uprising movement that The Secret inspired came from the Christian community, and with good reason – it seems to go against the very basic fundamentals that are taught in the Bible, to follow God’s will unfalteringly and let Him handle everything, no questions asked. At first glance, they could be seen as being right. But when you look at the supposed dilemma through the eyes of Coelho’s young shepard boy, you see someone making choices, yes, but choices to follow a path that has been laid out for them. There’s no denying that God has a designated a path for you, for He himself says, â€Å"For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future†(Jeremiah 29:11 NIV). While The Secret can be seen as bordering on herecy according to some Christians, it actually claims to follow the formula that’s demonstrated in the Bible on how to receive what you’re looking for and uses the passage to display this, â€Å"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours†(Mark 11:24 NIV). Jesus also says, â€Å"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you†(Matthew 7:7 NIV). However, these can be considered to be taken out of context. The dilemma that’s causing the real issue here is: Is what you’re asking for what you want for yourself or is it what you believe God wants for you? Christians believe that God gave us free will, and if that’s the case then He gave it to us for a reason – and part of that involves making the decision to follow His path for us or to attempt to forge our own. The Bible says, â€Å"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears usâ€â€whatever we askâ€â€we know that we have what we asked of Him†(1 John 5:14 NIV). So if you’re following the will of God, then you are surely asking for what God would want for you, and will therefore receive it. In The Alchemist we have the idea that God gives you signs and conspires to help you to find what you’re seeking for, but only if you’re following your personal legend (or your predetermined path). This aligns neatly with the Puritanical views of predestination and the Christian views of following God’s path that’s laid out for you, but it still demonstrates the â€Å"Universe†complying to the law of attraction and giving you what you visualize yourself receiving. Though both novels are demonstrating the law of attraction with equal clarity, because of the different approaches that they took, The Alchemist could be easier for someone coming from a Christian background (who would normally be opposed to the law of attraction) to accept. Getting caught up on religious specifications and the different titles that people use to define â€Å"God†may be the biggest obstacle holding multitudes of people back from discovering the actual potential that their lives hold. In some cases perhaps it’s better to separate yourself from religious restrictions that confine and limit your beliefs and allow yourself to be open to new possibilities that present themselves to you. To quote Abraham Lincoln once again, â€Å"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion,†– this is maybe the approach that more people should be willing to take. As Paolo Coelho shows in his novel, it is entirely possible to believe in following the will of God and to have the law of attraction work in your favor to help you achieve it. It all relies on your perception of how you view your life and how you choose to bring about what you want from it. One of Eleanor Roosevelt’s most well-known quotes is, â€Å"Life is what you make it. Always has been, always will be†and this rings true in every aspect. The key to achieving real success in your life is to clearly define what you want and to appreciate the things that you have. Ultimately it all comes down to you. William Ernest Henley wrote it best in the concluding lines of his poem, Invictus – I am the Master of my fate: I am the Captain of my soul. There is no herecy in accepting your God-given right as a human being to decide on the path that you wish to walk; and know that no matter which way you choose, always keep a clear visualization of your end goal in mind, and be grateful for every step that you are able to take. Byrne, Rhonda. The Secret. New York: Simon & Shuster, 2006. Coelho, Paulo. The Alchemist. New York: HarperCollins, 1993. New International Version. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986
Friday, January 10, 2020
Heres What I Know About Ib Math Essay Topics
Here's What I Know About Ib Math Essay Topics The Appeal of Ib Math Essay Topics The next matter to discuss is a protracted essay format. You don't need a topic so complex it's taught in university. Pick a topic you're interested in. A superb history essay topic is a great deal more important than you could think. Do not lose out on any mistake as it can deduct marks from your entire essay. You won't be able to crank out a 4,000-word essay in a week and receive an A. Everyone would like to compose an excellent Extended Essay, but just keep in mind that it's really much less overwhelming as it sounds. Devote 1015 days for a single essay. If you believe that you want to correct your writing, do it. A lengthy essay is a sort of academic writing assignment, which success depends upon the structure. You're lucky as there are tips which you can follow and serve as your guidelines in writing the protracted essay. The very best method is to check through some fantastic extended essay examples. It is essential that the student have a comprehensive understanding about implications of his topic and have independent and crystal clear evaluation. A crystal clear line of mathematical development ought to be demonstrated. You should know about the essential concepts and ways your research questio n is linked to the present knowledge. As it's limited to 4,000 words, you should narrow the range of your research to a specific facet of history, covering a brief time period. Consult your IB coordinator if you are not certain if you're on a particular timeline. Ensure you ask your IB coordinator if there's any essential paperwork. However tight your deadline is, you will receive the ideal essay! New Questions About Ib Math Essay Topics Writing a geography essay takes a lot of preparation. Students don't need to be good at physics to compose a great essay so long as they stick to what they know, its probably simpler to score well for a student who's an excellent essay writer and poor at physics than a person who is good at physics but can't compose an essay. If you understand what you will do in writing your extended essay, be certain that you have EE geography topics so you can choose what to write. Physics essays can be produced simple by picking a topic that's relevan t and interesting to the student. The Secret to Ib Math Essay Topics As soon as you have downloaded the paper, it's your property. Therefore, if there's any reason why you cannot have your extended essay written on time yourself, all you have to do is place your order on our site, and leave the rest to us! For research question, it ought to be appropriate to certain region of computer science which is being explored, and it has to be sharply and specific focused. So should you need help with any writing task, don't hesitate to get in touch with our expert services. Plan well how you are going to be doing the essay, otherwise a good deal of time is going to be wasted. By contrast, superior marks result in the general score, which might impact a student's college application success. You won't ever understand how satisfied you'll be at the moment you complete the EE. If you're told to locate a good one on your own, it can be challenging. The Ib Math Essay Topics Chronicles Some teachers might just take on students since they have to and might not be passionate about reading drafts and might not provide you a good deal of feedback. Students will need to analyse their findings and they have to consider also the implications. They can research about latest developments as well as future possibilities in certain subject. With such a broad subject, they find it hard to narrow down their research to a particular topic. When many students struggle to discover a great math topic for their research, it might help to bounce ideas off of each other since it might be useful to others. You might be great at math and all but should you not have passion for your research question, the research will be quite dry and boring and you won't wind up doing your very best. If you select a topic on human diseases and their behaviors, it is going to be difficult for you to experiment your ideas and ideas. Psychology is a significant utility in regards to helping peopl e jump over hurdles in virtually any life situation. As shown in criteria G, you've got to be consistent in the conditions and symbols used. If you've got many choices on your topics, you can pick the best that you really wish to write. The list of ideas is provided below. Below, you may also locate a list of interesting history topic suggestions which you can utilize.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Federal Experiment The Government Experiment
The Federal Experiment After the period of presidential election was done in America, George Washington took a position of the first President of the United States. He chose John Adams to be his vice president, and they were certainly Federalists, which established by Washington, Adams, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, and Henry Knox. He also invited others to be part of his department. There were Thomas Jefferson, who performed secretary of state, Alexander Hamilton, who was treasurer, Henry Knox, who was secretary of war, and Edmund Randolph, who was the head of the justice department and attorney general. During that time to the beginning of the 19th Century, there were many important things that changed America and led it to a new political era, and those were the new political structure, parties, culture, and a party system. During the beginning of 1790, Hamilton submitted his report, which was the Public Credit to Congress in January for managing the unpaid Revoluti onary debts. He required Congress to pay foreign debts. In December, he passed his report again to Congress about the Bank of the United States for chartering a central bank and allowing the bank to made loads. Then, President Washington â€Å"approved the bank opening in Philadelphia†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Gillon, pg.250). In 1791, Congress let Madison improved ten of twelve amendments as the Bill of Right, also known as the constitutional amendments. And these ten amendments supported Congress and made its authorityShow MoreRelatedEducational Psychology : Vocabulary Terms1025 Words  | 5 Pagesinstead of objects to give its information 8 Nebraska Department of Education (NDE)- The NDE is an agency that is approved by Nebraska voters and is operated under the authority of an elected board that is supposed to carry out duties given to them by federal and state statutes. They are responsible to carry out duties that support Nebraska’s school systems and develop as well as improve educational programs. The NDE also determines curriculum and educational standards that the students of Nebraska needRead MoreUsing Journal Articles On Multiple Search Engines Under Ebsco Database Collection1152 Words  | 5 Pagesin funding. For the second part, an experiment was conducted. 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