Saturday, May 23, 2020
Gender Differences Between Men And Women - 1992 Words
There is much debate on the issue of personality differences between men and women, some believe that that men and women are vastly different, others only slightly and the rest firmly believe that we are no different from each other at all. A large quantity of research has been conducted in order to try to find this out. Firstly, it is imperative that gender and personality have a clear definition to prevent confusion. Gender is a psychological perception of masculinity and femininity and can be either seen as two extremes or a continuum. Personality is more difficult to define, for this essay we will be following the belief that it is stable but slightly flexible as this give space for a wider range of research and does not constrict the field in which we can research. Stereotypes also play a factor in the debate as some research has strengthened certain stereotypes and weakened others. Age also can have an impact on personality so will be mentioned slightly alongside gender roles a nd cultural aspects of personalities. The theories surrounding gender differences in personality will also be discussed and evaluated. Due to the nature of stereotypes, research into these areas can give or take away strength to the beliefs. Weisberg, DeYoung and Hirsh (2011) used the ten aspects of the Big Five model, identified by DeYoung et al. in 2007, in their study and they replicated earlier research which found that generally agreeableness, extraversion and neuroticism were more likely toShow MoreRelatedGender Differences Between Men And Women1185 Words  | 5 Pagescontroversial and intriguing at the same time. This study approached the hypothesis of gender differences between men and women in spiritual well-being. The study used the Spiritual Well-Being Scale (Ellison, 1983) and assessed 75 college students in the survey. The study resulted in data that confirmed the hypothesis that men and women do not have any significant differences in spiritual well-being. â€Æ' Gender Differences in Spiritual Well-Being The examination of spiritual well-being has been a long andRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women1058 Words  | 5 PagesGender differences between men and women Abstract Gender difference can be expressed in many ways. In our daily life, there are many phenomenon can be explained by gender difference. For example, man always like to pay attention to political news, but women focus on gossip news; Women like shopping very much but men never want to go shopping; for the same thing men and women will make different evaluations. These entire phenomenons are because of gender difference. How the gender difference showRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women1417 Words  | 6 Pagesto analyze gender differences between men and women in history. Whether these gender differences exist in the way in which they communicate, influence, or lead, men and women have always been viewed as different and unique sets of people. These differences have, to a certain extent, put black mens in the environment at a disadvantage because of their perceived inferiority to the world, mainly due to historical gender inequalities, discrimination of racism. Especially, young black mens. I do believeRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women892 Words  | 4 PagesRegardless of the standard definition, gender differences cause the meaning of attractiveness to vary among society. Cultural influences suggest that the â€Å"beauty is in the eye of the beholder†is false. Aside from the specific guidelines towards what men and women perceive, men take attractiveness more serious than do women. It has been proven that both men and women compare body image and asymmetry when determining someone’s attractiveness, or lack there of. However, there are certain cases whereRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women Essay1533 Words  | 7 Pagesinteractions between men and women, yet I have had difficulty pin-pointing the exact differences. Obviously, the military utilized abrasive and assertive speech, and I correlated it to professional differences rather than gender differences. However, learning the subconscious tendencies of communication polarities with men and women, and introspectively looking back at past interactions, forced me to realize it may be just as much a gender gap as a professional one. I always wondered why some men enjoyedRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women Essay2523 Words  | 11 PagesThe â€Å"male norm†is an important concept for understanding women’s history, gender history, and the history of sexuality in classical Athens. Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe, explains the importance of studying women, as well as studying gender. Historians studying gender â€Å"note that what are usually described as the â€Å"biological†differences between men and women are themselves influenced by ideas about gender, with a single polarity (man/woman) so strong in western culture that individualsRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women1861 Words  | 8 Pagescentury, western culture frequently dismisses the concept of men and women holding highly distinguishable traits that denote respective functions in society. Such movements insinuate that the objective of absolute equality between the sexes has been met, despite history presenting an entirely contrasting view of gender roles that have perpetuated inequality in the minds of mankind. In order for one to fully comprehend the continual battle that women have fought against the stereotypes that history has triedRead MoreGender Differences Between Women And Men Speak981 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Sex Differences†is an essay written by a professor of linguistics named Ronald Macaulay. In the essay, he pointed out that there were no gender differences regarding to language development. He talked about various stereotypes about how men and women speak. He also explains in depth about how social environment made an impact on the talking between men and women. He also concluded that those linguists who still believe in that theory only continue to do so even if what they found in their researchRead MoreThe Gender Pay Gap Measures The Earning Differences Between Women And Men940 Words  | 4 PagesThe gender pay gap measures the earning di fferences between women and men in paid employment in the labour market. It is one of many indicators of gender inequality in a country, when examining labour market participation in terms of gender (EC 2007). Though we try to fight for gender equality in the workplace, us females still face many difficulties. While they’ve made strides in breaking through the â€Å"glass ceiling,†we often have many other challenges, things such as sexism, discrimination, sometimesRead MoreChinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart Gender Stereotype And The Difference Between Men And Women1150 Words  | 5 Pagesnovel Things Fall Apart gender stereotype and the difference between men and women, and also how women are treated compared to men, are presented very boldly throughout the whole novel. Showing these stereotypes and maybe certain rights that were provided for one gender and not the other is important when it comes to understanding the novel more because it shows how things were in villages like Umuofia during the time (but mostly before) when Christian missionaries and white men had taken over, and showing
Monday, May 18, 2020
Hope in the Shawshank Redemption - 1021 Words
Shawshank Redemption Essay Question 8: Analyse how specific techniques were used to portray inspiring ideas in a visual; or oral text. Directed by Frank Darabont, The Shawshank Redemption tells the Story of Andy Dufrane, a man who has been wrongly convicted of murder and must endure life inside the harsh and corrupt Shawshank prison, but despite this he never loses hope of finding freedom. Hope is an important inspiring idea in this film, as it is what sustains him during the long and difficult years within the prison, and it is the result of this enduring hope that Andy finally finds freedom. There are many visual and oral techniques used throughout the film to portray the idea of hope. This includes the hope that Andy holds, and also†¦show more content†¦The movie inspired me to never give up on hope, despite the circumstances we can face. As Andy showed in the movie, hope and also giving hope to others is the most important part of achieving your dream. If Andy had lost hope, he may have never achieved his dream and foundShow MoreRelatedHope in the Shawshank Redemption1008 Words  | 5 PagesShawshank Redemption Essay Question 8: Analyse how specific techniques were used to portray inspiring ideas in a visual; or oral text. Directed by Frank Darabont, The Shawshank Redemption tells the Story of Andy Dufrane, a man who has been wrongly convicted of murder and must endure life inside the harsh and corrupt Shawshank prison, but despite this he never loses hope of finding freedom. Hope is an important inspiring idea in this film, as it is what sustains him during the long and difficultRead MoreTheme of Hope in Shawshank Redemption797 Words  | 4 PagesThe Shawshank Redemption is hope. The film demonstrates that hope is a good thing and shows the consequences in having and lacking hope. It is important that Darabont’s film showed the theme of hope as it us also important in our lives today because having or lacking in hope affects people personally, nationally and worldwide. In our everyday lives we are presented with cases of people having hope through our own or someone we knows personal experiences and on the news. In most cases, hope isRead MoreExamples Of Opera Buffa And Hope In The Shaws hank Redemption983 Words  | 4 PagesOpera Buffa and Hope in The Shawshank Redemption What does one imagine when viewing a comic opera? Servants outwitting their masters? A happy ending? However, would one imagine a comic opera in a maximum-security prison? In The Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne plays an duet from Mozart’s comic opera, The Marriage to Fiagaro, as its Enlightened ideals represent Andy’s prison experience and its Classical characteristics evoke a sense of hope in the repressed prison. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’sRead MorePortryal of Andy as a Symbol of Hope in Shawshank Redemption Essay1268 Words  | 6 PagesIn 1994, Frank Darabont’s film ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ received a poor reception when released; it only made a $0.3m profit. More recently the film has become known as one of the greatest movies of all time, it has inspired hope in many people, helping them to lose weight, leave abusive marriages and such like. The film is based mainly upon two convicts, and the idea of hope. Andy Dufresne is a ‘Hot Shot Banker’ imprisoned with two life sentences, for the suspected murder of his wife and her loverRead More Hope Springs Eternal: Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King2812 Words  | 12 PagesHope Springs Eternal: Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King A wise man once said, â€Å"Memory is the library of the mind.†All of the events in one’s life, ranging from birth to the present, are stored in this complex catalog of experience. There they remain untouched and collecting dust until a time of need, much like the scores of books found in today’s libraries. No matter how obscure, their topics represent the various trials of life that build one’s character and foreverRead MoreSurvival Is The Key Struggle1295 Words  | 6 PagesSurvival is the key struggle in The Shawshank Redemption. This film takes place in the corrupt Shawshank State Penitentiary where mental and physical abuses inflicted upon prisoners are the hard realities of the system. For the prisoners of Shawshank, life is often bleak and violent. However, the will to survive is what keeps the characters motivated to retain their humanity and challenge the institutionalization of Shawshank. In particular, the film’s main protagonists, Andy Dufresne and Ellis â€Å"Red†Read MoreAnalysis Of The Shawshank Redemption By Frank Darabont1116 Words  | 5 PagesEvaluative Analysis: The Shawshank Redemption When it comes to movies, I am not exactly what you could consider well-versed. Had it not been for several close friends of mine, I would have never even seen blockbuster hits such as Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, or Back to the Future. The reason for this is not because I dislike watching movies, but rather due to the restrictive nature of my parents. Thus, I have not had the privilege to enjoy The Shawshank Redemption, Frank Darabont’s 1994 adaptationRead MoreThe Shawshank Redemption By Frank Darabont And Starred Tim Robbins And Morgan Freeman1083 Words  | 5 Pages Introduction I selected the 1994 film, The Shawshank Redemption, which was directed by Frank Darabont and starred Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. The central message of this film is the power of hope. When Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), says to Red (Morgan Freeman) â€Å"get busy living or get busy dying,†he is saying that it is only when you willingly risk everything, that freedom becomes possible. The film, The Shawshank Redemption takes place in the 1940’s and is the story of a Maine banker, AndyRead MoreRita Hayworth And The Shawshank Redemption Analysis1362 Words  | 6 PagesClose Comparative Analysis Of Stephen King’s Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption and Frank Darabont’s The Shawshank Redemption When comparing the ending of Stephen King’s novella, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption with the ending of the 1994 film adaptation by Frank Darabont, The Shawshank Redemption, there are key differences. These include additions, removals and slight changes in the narrative which arguably make the storyline better suited to the completely different mediumRead MoreThe Shawshank Redemption Analysis1725 Words  | 7 PagesHope is a dream that lifts people up and encourages them to persevere forward. Fear is a shadow that pulls them back into despair and whispers defeat. Friendship is the bond that gives people foundation and support. Freedom is a liberating feeling in which people rejoice. The Shawshank Redemption was an exemplary film that proved how dedication, patience, friendship and hope are extremely powerful and are big supporting factors in life. Shown in The Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont
Monday, May 11, 2020
Who Can Save America - 1539 Words
Who Can Save America? The Rand-yman can! Rand Paul, the son of famous libertarian Ron Paul presidential candidate, and Kentucky senator began running for the position of president of the United States of America, on April 7th 2015 under the Republican Party. He ran under the slogan Defeat the Washington machine. Unleash the American dream, and promised to be a non-establishment Republican president. Rand Pal is by far the best candidate for the presidency in all fields, but more specifically, for our economy, our foreign affairs, and our rights and liberties. The economy is a major part of any presidential campaign, as it should be, since our economy is very weak right now and susceptible to damage that could bring us further into a†¦show more content†¦He released a plan with a 14.5% flat rate on income that also replaces corporate tax. It would eliminate tax loopholes and other tricks that help big business (Rand Paul Presidential Campaign, 2016/Taxes – Ballotpedia). Paul’s tax plan would increase o ur GDP by 13%, create 4.3 million full time jobs, and it would increase after tax incomes for all income groups by 16%, as well as grow the economy about 13% (The Economic Effects of Rand Paul s Tax Reform Plan). Finally, Rand Paul released a document listing all the programs that he would cut and how he would stop the government from wasting citizens tax dollars, cutting these programs would save us over 1 billion dollars, all the programs listed can be researched and found out to be not needed, for example, our tax dollars are going towards, â€Å"researching the effectiveness of golf equipment in space†which cost us 15 million dollars (Airing of Grievances 2015). As important as our economy is, a presidential candidate has to be able to defend us from attacks, and Rand Paul has views different from many Republicans on how to do just that. Our national security and foreign policy are very important, since the safety of the citizens and our interests abroad
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Risk Management 7 Step Process - 1280 Words
Enterprise Risk Management is defined as â€Å"the process of identifying and analyzing risk from an integrated, company-wide perspective. It is a structured and disciplined approach in aligning strategy, processes, people, technology and knowledge with a purpose of evaluating and managing the uncertainties the enterprise faces as it creates value†(Woon, Azizan, Samad, 2011, p. 23). Had Non-Linear Pro utilized Enterprise Risk Management, the company would have been able to reduce their liability exposure. Quick Takes Video is in the position of having a legitimate claim against Non-Linear Pro for breach of warranty. The salesman informed Hal that his employees would be able to operate the software in one to two days. After two weeks of†¦show more content†¦The key elements of ERM are the policy itself, the strategy, and the plan (Harb, 2008). If Non-Linear Pro had embraced and implemented a successful ERM plan, many of these negative consequences could have been avoided. Effective and Efficient Framework Harb suggests that firms have a well documented ERM policy and plan (2008). Had Non-Linear Pro had such a policy and plan in place, they would have been able to anticipate many of the problems Quick Takes Video is encountering with the editing software and addressed these difficulties before they became full size problems. A well laid ERM plan would have involved on-site set up and training for Quick Takes Video’s staff, along with follow up to ensure everything was working smoothly and as expected. Risk Management is Applied in Practice Non-Linear Pro needs to not only assess their possible risks, but also apply this assessment in practice. The salesman is directly responsible for over promising and under delivering on this editing software, therefore creating a possible breach of warranty. It is more likely that he is a poor salesman, as opposed to having acted with negligence or malicious intent, so any attempt to hold him personally responsible would likely fail. But as he was acting in the course of his employ with Non-Linear Pro, and was Quick Takes Video’s direct contact person with the company, the errors of the salesman belong to Non-LinearShow MoreRelatedProj 420 Coursework Guide Week 1 - 7696 Words  | 3 PagesWeek 1 - 7 Purchase here Product Description (PROJ 420 Project Risk Management) PROJ 420 Week 1 Course Project Assignment; Project Topic Proposal and Outline PROJ 420 Week 1 Discussion 1 Why Should We Practice Risk Management PROJ 420 Week 1 Discussion 2 The ATOM Risk Management Process PROJ 420 Week 2 Course Project Assignment; Project Sizing and Stakeholder Analysis PROJ 420 Week 2 Discussion 1 The Initiation Step PROJ 420Read MoreErm 7-Step Process1432 Words  | 6 PagesERM 7-Step Process ERM 7-Step Process According to Harb, Enterprise Risk Management is people, systems and processes working together across the organizations to systematically think about and manage a wide range of risks that could impede achieving organizational objectives/opportunities. In this paper we will discuss the potential tort risk that arose as a result of Non-Linear Pro leasing unsatisfactory equipment to Quick Takes, and how to effectively apply the 7-Step Enterprise Risk ManagementRead MoreThe Risk Management Process Is Made Up Of 6 Central Steps And 2 Myosin Steps Essay974 Words  | 4 Pagesi. The Risk Management Process is made up of 6 central steps and 2 capillary steps. These are: ïÆ'ËœStep 1: Establish the context. ïÆ'ËœStep 2: Risk Identification. ïÆ'ËœStep 3: Risk Analysis. ïÆ'ËœStep 4: Risk Evaluation. ïÆ'ËœStep 5: Risk Treatment. ïÆ'ËœStep 6: Contingency Planning. ïÆ'ËœCapillary Step 7: Communication Consultation. ïÆ'ËœCapillary Step 8: Monitoring and Review. Step 1: Establish the context. This is the stage where the risk management plan is established with intentions on explaining how it is going to manageRead MoreUsing Fuzzy Decision Tree And Data Mining1390 Words  | 6 Pagesusing fuzzy decision tree and data mining. 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Preparatory stage – Preparation of the datasetRead MoreRisk Management Process1617 Words  | 7 Pages4 DESCRIPTION 4 RISK MANAGEMENT FLOW 5 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 6 RISK TRACKING PROCESS 7 Identify Risks 7 Assess and Prioritize Risks 7 Determine Course of Action 8 Review and Monitor Risks 8 RISK MANAGEMENT LOG ENTRY DEFINITIONS 9 PROCESS ASSISTANCE, QUESTIONS, OR RECOMMENDATIONS 10 APPENDIX A: RISK MANAGEMENT LOG 11 Document Overview Purpose The purpose of this Risk Management Process document is: †¢ To provide a framework to track and monitor project risks throughout the projectRead MoreExamples Of Project Management1027 Words  | 5 PagesThe first step for me as a Project Manager will be to create an agenda with project phases with added details. It all begins with project planning, initiation, execution, monitor and control and, last step which is project closure. 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The Department of Homeland Security and many other security and defense organizations rely on a process of identifying risks, the consequences of those risks, the vulnerabilities of a potential threat, and the likelihood of a specific target (infrastructure, resource, and/or people) will actually suffer the attack. This process is commonly referred to as Risk Management. Risk Management is the â€Å"process for identifying, analyzing
A Life in the Day of Me Free Essays
â€Å"Beep, Beep! Beep, Beep!†From under the warm, snug land of nod, my hand flops out and brutally swats at the little silver alarm clock, which I despise because it has the pleasure of making me wake up every morning. I sit up, and try to think about what to do next, my head still full of pillows. I check the time- 6:35 and idly flop back down. We will write a custom essay sample on A Life in the Day of Me or any similar topic only for you Order Now I am about to return to slumber-land when Molly the pregnant multicoloured cat plods in. I lie on my side and stare at her. A warm, owlish glazed gaze stares back and I jump energetically to action! Well, more of an idle flop out of bed, really. I then stumble like a drunken sailor across my room to check on a few other minor details in my daily life- my pets. I first peer at Gordon the stick- insect and give him a quick spray of water to moisten him up. I then tap on Bob the wild voles’ little cage check his supply of food and water. Next is Ruby and Pip the rats who are also rattling their bowls like ungrateful toddlers. I throw in a few choice morcels of ‘Rody rat Food’. I notice Molly and Bagpuss, my other cat, sponging for their breakfast in the doorway. I stagger downstairs after them, to the kitchen, where they are given ‘whiskas’ cat food, which I might add, is probably both the most revolting smelling, and looking pet food I have ever had the ‘pleasure’ of serving! Last but not least are the outside pets: Poppy and Annabelle the guinea- pigs, Socks the rabbit and his sister, Saffy who has five baby bunnies, who are given ‘Russel’ rabbit food. That’s not all yet! The very last but just as important member of the family is Ren the ‘lonely’ goldfish, who is given ‘Tetra-Finn’ goldfish flakes. You might be thinking what a zoo I have, but we love them all very much! I now, finally have time to sort my own self out. By this time I am partially conscious, so I leap wilfully into the shower, before anyone else and battle with the hot and cold taps until I feel I am sufficiently cleansed. I then do everything, which anyone else normally does during their time in the bathroom. I always dry my hair naturally or I look like something which has stepped out of a Stephen King book, and scrape it back or do something with it until it looks something vaguely like a ‘style'(not one of my strong points!). I am normally late by now so I yank on clothes like†¦ well, how anyone else does- underwear, then trousers, shirt, tie, socks. Ah! The socks- I always make sure they are nothing short of†¦,well, comical. They are either ‘Chicken Run’, ‘The Simpsons’, ‘Wallace and Gromit’, a silly pattern or just odd! My next task is then to check my bag and do any un-done home work for the day, whilst trying to bolt down a slice of dry bread, or anything which resembles breakfast material. Most days I combine these few tasks with: yanking on my normally muddy Doc Martens, trying not to fall over, poking my head out the window to check on the (usually grim) weather situation, rifling through all my pockets for a door key and asthma pump, being groaned at by Mum who is scowling at her wrist watch, tripping out of the front door and finally shoving my untidy self and scrappy school belongings into one of three cars. I most enjoy travelling to school in my sister’s (katy) metallic- blue Mini because it feels as through you are in a mini rollercoaster (especially going over bumps), and I LOVE roller- coasters! Our highly intellectual conversation whilst on our ten minute journey to school and Mum to the school where she teaches normally consists of: â€Å"You really need to get up earlier in the mornings, Holly, especially as it’s Monday. I’ve got to get to school and do things.†â€Å"Yes, Mum.†OR.. â€Å"I really don’t know how you can concentrate at school without eating breakfast!†â€Å"OK, I’ll try, Mum.†OR.. â€Å"Oh, no! I forgot my music money/ that slip you were supposed to sign/ my door key/ my HOMEWORK!!!†Every one at school is generally in a chatty mood when I arrive. On certain days one person gets out of bed the wrong way and makes us miserable too. Charlene is always there with her sixth form boyfriend Anthony, and everyone joins on for a good natter. When Vicky arrives, Anthony or herself have a good scoff at each other if there has either been a Manchester United or Arsenal match- or no match at all! When the pips go, from Charlene it’s normally â€Å"G’iss a kiss!†to Anthony, who either pretends not to have heard or actually kisses her. In form time I make sure I am listening for my name, then I can start thinking- usually about lessons to come. My favourite lessons generally are Textiles, English and History- mainly because most of the time you get to give your own opinion about issues, but most of all because I can then use my own ideas such as creative writing in English and designing and making children’s clothes in Textiles. My friends and I natter like educated mice about who shot Phil, who fancies Emma, what happened at Penenden Heath last night Jenny, and can I borrow your homework, PLEASE!! By lunch time I am generally bored and longing for sleep. I either eat sandwiches filled with tuna (brain food- I wonder why!) or pasta with bolognese, or sometimes just a salad. I tend to only drink water most of the time because fizzy drinks are not very appealing when you are so thirsty! Most lunch times Vicky and Emma like to go and flirt with boys in our year. I find this quite pathetic. Charlene and I share this thought, so we sit and talk about people or well, just about anything. When the days are getting close to half-term or a holiday, we like to plan a trip to Chessington with Anthony and Jennifer. Quite often a food fight starts up or Gary comes over to show us his ‘Where did it go?’ coin trick, which keeps us amused for most of the forty-five minutes. Occasionally, I will have the odd arm wrestle or slap fight. After lunch I feel more at ease with the day, knowing that there are only two lessons to go. My favourite afternoon of the week is a Friday (of course!), when everyone is winding down and preparing events for the weekend, such as going into town for no apparent reason (which I really hate!), and the teachers are just as tired as us, so they understand our lack of intelligence. After school I eat a snack of rice- cakes or a sandwich. Quite often I like to go for a bike ride with my friend Rachel through the Barming Woods to see the haunted tree, although we have to be careful that we show respect, because a signalman was hung there years ago and no one is allowed (or able) to cut it down, so there are loads of tree stumps around it! Spooky, eh? When I get home, I like to relax and watch you know what! (T.V.). On some nights I do trampolining which I love because it is actually very relaxing and good for you! At the moment I am working on the wide gap between silver and gold award (up to back-wards somersault). During sometime every day I like to sit on my bean bag and think about things like what happened during the day, how I feel, what to do tomorrow, what sort of career I would like to have in twenty years, people, things like that, or I write them down in a diary, just to make me feel better. After dinner with my family, I do any homework needed to be done and get ready for bed quickly because I love wearing my pyjamas- they are so comfy!! If my sister is home I go and talk to her about her day. Most evenings, her boyfriend and soul-mate Del (Derek) comes round and they go out to the Muggleton, the Thirsty Pig, Hogshead, or the Union bar. Katy is almost nineteen and about a centimetre taller than me. I think she is very beautiful (and so does everyone else). She has extremely long brown naturally curly hair and large blue eyes. I find her interesting in terms of dress sense and personality. She tries very hard to think differently to others and always makes sure things are fair- I find this in my Mum and Dad as well because I have always regarded our family as very different to others I have seen. For example- none of us like football but we all love old music by people like Louis Armstrong. My Mum is brave – she is a teacher for special needs, and my Dad is a post-man in the Sutton Valence area. When I am older I would definitely like to work with animals. I would like to get a job and save up to run a cattery for ill treated cats. I but I do not just want a career, I want to travel around the world, see everything, have great experiences, break records. Sometimes I feel so angry that people take what they have for granted. Why do people want others to be so unhappy? It also makes me angry that people do not care what they do or how they do it. Why do people want to be the same as each other? What would really make me happy would be to have the power to iron out the world- there would be no poor, no rich, no evil, no such thing as prejudice- everyone would have the same amount of money and food etc. People can dream, I suppose. I talk to things like this to my parents and sister, especially Mum, who enjoy working with children and people with disabilities etc. In the evenings I also love to talk to Dad, who enjoys art and pottery and things like that. I, my self love animals, roller-coasters, art, colours, trampolining, bike riding, writing stories and lots of different ‘grunger’ music. There are lots of things I like, but also lots of things I dislike; big gold jewellery, cruelty to animals, romantic films, pop music, pink, being bored, sitting still for too long, football, and people who are horrible to others for no reason. On Friday evenings I get eight pounds allowance, which is spent very differently every week. I feel really bad that I have not got a job at the moment, although I have had several paper rounds, one of which I kept for almost a year. I think I could say that not many people understand me very well, but the truth is, I really do not care! Vicky is always on at me for being unsociable. I do not care about that either! I tend to keep my thoughts to myself than talk about them. Around 10:30 PM my thoughts start to get a bit more muddled because my mind knows that it has done its job for the day, and is time to rest. I am normally snoozing by 11:00PM but inside, my brain is going â€Å"tick, whirr, clunk!†as it is thinking â€Å"nooo! It’s Monday tomorrow,†or â€Å"yes! It’s Saturday tomorrow!†But right at the back, where the cobwebs are I am thinking â€Å"I am so lucky,†because of my life so far. How to cite A Life in the Day of Me, Essays
Proclamation Act Of 1763 Essay Example For Students
Proclamation Act Of 1763 Essay Proclamation Act of 1763The Proclamation Act of 1763 was a major change for both the English andthe French. For the English, they wanted to assimilate the French. This wasnecessary for two reasons. One, the British had, after all, conquered them, and wished to create afull British Empire. They thought that the only way to do this was toassimilate all other cultures (except the Natives) into their culture. Two, the French were still a threat, and Quebec was the foothold in theNew World for France. The mother country, France, could send armies to NewFrance and attack the British. The main purpose of the Proclamation Act was simple, assimilate theFrench. The British needed to ensure that their culture was enforced in Quebec,The Act also tried to encourage British settlers to come to New France, but,unfortunately, the settlers did not want to come. This was because the settlerswould rather move to a mostly British society, instead of a mostly French. Some other aims of this Act were: Limit the size of Quebec, cuttingMontreal from the Fur Trade, and also to reassure the Natives that their huntinggrounds, and fur trade would be protected and remain intact. Some of the terms of the Proclamation Act were as follows: settlement inthe Ohio and Mississippi was forbidden, and trappers, traders and settlers wereallowed in only with a license given from the crown, stating there reasons forbeing in those two areas. The French language was also allowed to continue. This may seem very strange, but I will explain it in a minute. Also the Frenchreligion (Roman Catholicism) was allowed to continue. Britain also made it verydiscouraging to have this culture, disallowing anyone who had anything to dowith these political and official status. The Protestant religion was alsopromoted. The main reason that the Quebec act was created was because theProclamation Act was not working. Quebec was rebelling and people were veryunhappy about it. So Britain decided to create the Quebec act. Other reasonswere that the 13 colonies, who had rebelled themselves and become the Americans,were going to attack. The British people needed an ally, and quickly. Theyalso wished to increase trade, relations, and unite the French and English underone Nation. Some aims that the creation of the Quebec Act was suppose to achievewere, combining French and English into one Nation, not culture, by keepingbiculturalism. The French were allowed to continue all aspects of their culture, withno penalty to status whatsoever. The government for Quebec, however, was tostay the same, still ruled by a governor and an executive council. The civillaw was French, but the criminal law was changed to British. Yes, I definetely think so. This worked right after the Act was passed,as evidenced by the responses, very few people were unhappy. The most obviousand substantial piece of evidence is today, which proves that the Act worked,by showing that today we have a bicultural nation.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Stock Market
Question: Write an essay The Effect of Stock Market Development on Economic Growth in U.K.. Answer: Topic of Research The topic of this particular research is The Effect of Stock Market Development on Economic Growth in U.K.. Overview of the Research Field of Study It has been found that from the last two decades, the development of the stock market and its effect on the economic growth has earned an immense attention from the managers, practitioners and academicians. The reason behind this is their attempt to study and also to understand the market development and financial and their contribution to the economy. It has been noted that the capital markets of the world have been improved drastically with the passage of time. This has compelled the authorized institution to take decision regarding share market in the both emerged and emerging countries. According to the World Bank, the improvement of stock market is much associated with the total improvement and growth of the financial system. The development of the financial sectors help in allocating the resources and this in turn helps to boost up the economy (Thompson 2012). This study mainly focuses on the development of the stock market that plays a central role in the estimation of the fut ure growth of the economy. 2.2 Research Objectives To critically identify and analyze the Government Revenue, Government Expenditure, Stock Market Capitalization, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Foreign Direct Investment of U.K. To critically examine the relationship between the GDP and Stock Market Capitalization. To critically evaluate the importance of Stock Market Development in the economy of U.K. To critically scrutinize the correlation between the stock market capitalization and economic indicators over the last decade. Research Questions Q1. How are the Government Revenue, Government Expenditure, Stock Market Capitalization, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Foreign Direct Investment of U.K. defined? Q2. What is the relationship between the GDP and Stock Market Capitalization? Q3. What is the importance of Stock Market Development in the economy of U.K.? Q4. What is the correlation between the stock market capitalization and economic indicators over the last decade? Interest and Importance of Topic Chosen It has been found that the stock market plays an important role in the developed countries and it also enriches the economic condition of a particular country. Thus, the aim of this research study is to study the effect of the stock development in the future economic growth and also to develop the stock market of developing countries. The intention behind this is to bring the economic condition of the developing countries in line with the developed countries. Thus, the evaluation of the performance of the London Stock Exchange in the economic growth of U.K. has been considered as an interesting as well as an important topic for this proposed research study. Positioning of the Research The positioning of this research study is composed of the conceptual framework and also the review of the previous studies, journals and articles on the stock market development and its impact on the economic growth. These theoretical underpinnings are comprised of conceptual framework that is related to theories, concepts and information of stock market and economic growth. All these theoretical underpinnings will help the researcher to understand the issues regarding the research and also to identify the existing gaps both practically and theoretically. Conceptual Framework This section mainly deals with the concepts and the history that are associated with the economic growth and stock markets. Capital Market and London Stock Exchange Equity market or stock market is a place where the shares are traded i.e. one can buy or sell the secondary shares to another. This does not indicate any physical transfer of assets; rather transfer in terms of certificates. Opined to Mayer and Steneck (2012), this market is developed on the basis of the demand and the supply of the sellers and buyers. According to Kensinger (2013), the London market serves an efficient platform for trading and it also regulates the market by monitoring both the market activities and trading. LSE has two markets firstly, the main market which is considered as the dwelling place for both U.K. and also for worlds best and largest companies. Indranil (2012) stated that the enlisted companies in the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) have high standards and these kinds of companies are able to collect capital from widest range of investors. It has been found that the Main Market is capable of collecting about 366 billion from new issues and additional issue of stocks (, 2016). Secondly, LSE has sub-market especially for minor organizations in order to float their stocks in the particular market with flexible method of regulation compared to the Main market. Alternative Investment Market (AIM) is its other name and here hundreds of overseas companies are enlisted along with smaller companies of U.K. According to Ghossoub and Reed (2012), more than 3000 companies across the world along with smaller companies of U.K. move down to AIM. The reason behind this is that with the reduction in the various regulatory costs, the firms can improve their liquidity position and it also helps to expand their businesses by raising funds. As per Indranil (2012), the AIM is the best place for investment for the knowledgeable shareholders who possess more capacity of analyzing risk and who are able to perform the research quickly on the release of the company news. Importance of Stock Market According to Thompson (2012), the financial system plays a vital role in the growth of economy of a country. It has been found that the stock market plays an intermediary role between the borrowers and lenders by supplying the capital to an individual who really needs it. The financial intermediaries help in reducing the transaction costs for both the saving people and investing people by reducing the asymmetric information. However, this sophisticated derivative instruments and the development of such markets help in the diversification of risk. Supino and Borer (2012) stated that when the financial market is considered as more efficient, rapid economic growth takes place. The importance of the stock market lies in various factors. These include firstly, the stock market helps in raising capital for a business, secondly, it helps in mobilization of savings properly for the investment. Thirdly, the stock market plays a vital role as it facilitates the growth of an organization and a lso helps in redistribution of the wealth. In addition to these, the stock market guides in structuring the corporate governance, it acts as the barometer of the economy and this market also helps in the creation of the facilities regarding investment. Key Indicators of Stock Market Development As per Shiller (2012), the previous studies indicate that there are various indicators which are essential for analyzing the development of the stock market or equity market within any country. It has been found that there are a few theoretical and empirical research works on the determination of the development of the capital market in the emerging markets. It has been found that the important microeconomic factors like income level of the people, investments, stock market liquidity and development of banking sectors are the most essential and effective determinants of the development of the market. The particular study was conducted for the time period of 14 years by considering 42 countries (Seivewright 2012). The key indicators of the development of the stock market include market capitalization, capitalization ratio and liquidity. Market capitalization It is considered as one of the most used indicators for the development of the stock market. The markets size has a little impact on the size of the nation. As per the study of the World Bank, the dimension of the share market is generally calculated in various methods. Of them, the market capitalization is considered as an indicator which represents the total dimension of the capital market. As per Plattner, Meinel and Leifer (2012), this also indicates the investors regarding the ability of the market to mobilize the total capital. In addition to this, the degree of extending the diversity of risk is also measured, which is related to the selling and buying of shares in the secondary market. Capitalization ratio It is considered as the ratio of domestic shares that are bought and sold on the share market on the basis of GDP. It is counted as an essential indicator of the development of share market. Generally, the capitalization ratio helps in analyzing the size of the market and also in diversification of risks at various markets. Haites (2013) stated that the relationship between the stock market and the long-run growth of the economy can be better determined by using this capitalization ratio. Liquidity This indicates the volatility of a stock that makes the investors able to buy or sell the stocks through the stock exchange. It has been found that if the liquidity of a stock is high, then the risk that is associated with the shares are relatively low. Goodson, Loveless and Stephens (2012) stated that the liquidity is considered as the chief indicator of the development of the market as it helps in improving the allocation of capital and also encourages the growth in the long run. Economic Growth According to Ghossoub and Reed (2012), the increase in the output of the economy over the time period is termed as economic growth. In this state, the economy is changed from one particular growth rate of per-capita income to another. Opined to Evrensel (2013), the Western Capitalist Economies has increased the output since from the initial stage of the Industrial Revolution. This growth is optimistic for the longer period of time. Eun, Resnick and Sabherwal (2012) stated that the growth rate of economy is the augmentation of the industrious sectors of the countrys economy in the long run. These particular budding economies offers or serves the earnings for each individual in order to enjoy their improved living standard with the increase or rise in employment within the country. The growth in the output of the economy generally takes place with the increase in the input factors. This indicates the more the equipments will be purchased, more the workers will enter the workforce. This is termed as capital accumulation. Opined to Brealey, Myers and Marcus (2012), it has been found that there are mainly four aims that are central in order to evaluate the macroeconomic performance. These four objectives are output, price, employment and foreign sector. Factors Influencing the Growth of GDP Opined to Berk, DeMarzo and Harford (2012), there are various factors that have been found to influence the rate of economic growth of a country. These include confidence of business people and consumer, aggregate demand of the U.K. trading partners, decisions of business leaders, monetary policy, population growth and fiscal policy. The other factors involve productivity growth, tax policy and government policy. Baker and Riddick (2013) stated that the U.K. government always tries to support the businesses by deducing the fiscal deficit by developing the macroeconomic stability. This macroeconomic stability is considered as the most essential factor. It has also been noted that the British Government comes up with various ambitious programs regarding reforms for the improvement of the business environment. The government has also taken actions for reducing the deficit with the aim to improve the countrys economic condition by bringing financial reform programs. In addition to this , the government also brings the transparency and credibility in their decision. Research Design and Methodology Introduction The research methodology helps the researcher to study about the research topic and also helps them to describe, predict and explain their work. Therefore, implementation of proper research methodology within the study is an important factor as this guides the researcher to gather information and various data regarding the research topic and also to analyze them by using proper statistical methods (6 and Bellamy 2012). Research Design The information regarding the performance of the stock market can be assessed only from the two approaches i.e. macroeconomic and institutional. It has been found that the later approach is mainly used to find out the development within the institutions. Opined to Creswell (2014), the institutional approach is composed of various issues that are associated with disputes settlement process, transparency and property rights. on the other hand, Chandra and Sharma (2013) stated that the macroeconomic approach is used for studying the factors that are associated with investment, savings, growth and inflation. However, in this particular research study, the macroeconomic approach will be implemented though both the approaches are equally valid. In addition this, scientific methods will be applied for data analysis with the aim to get realistic and reliable results. Thus, proper design and planning will be done to provide a more systematic and clear modality and framework. Therefore, an exp loratory study will be performed in order to investigate the growth index, trends and percentage changes to locate the directional of the study. Selection of Sampling Methods and Sample size This particular study is based on the fixed sample size i.e. FTSE 100 Stock Index of the LSE as one of the variables in order to identify the performance of the stock market. It has been found that this particular index covers around 80 % of the total market capitalization ( 2016). This sample size is counted to be significant for this research study as the researcher considers this fixed sample size to be enough for revealing the population. Data Collection Methods Various data and information regarding the research topic can be gathered from both the primary data resources and secondary data resources. Secondary Data Collection Method In the secondary data collection method, the data will be gathered from the annual statistical data that are generally published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), FTSE 100, London stock Exchange (LSE), World Bank and Yahoo Finance. In addition to this, the researcher will also gather data and information from the related websites. Primary Data Collection Method The primary data collection method is the research method where the researcher collects data and information directly from the concerned people or the people who have knowledge regarding the research topic. The researcher can gather the primary data by two methods, i.e. through online or offline questionnaire survey and through face-to-face or telephonic interview. The primary data and information that are collected by the researcher through online or offline questionnaire survey are generally analyzed through quantitative analysis method. On the other hand, the data that are collected through face-to-face interview or telephonic interview are usually analyzed through qualitative analysis method (Habib, Pathik and Maryam 2014). This particular research study is also based on the primary data collection method. Here, the researcher will opt for online questionnaire survey for finding the useful indicators of the development of the stock market and economic growth in the country. On th e basis of the primary data collection, the quantitative analysis of the gathered data will be performed. Data Analysis The data and information that will be gathered through primary data collection method will be analyzed through the regression model and other statistics. This portion of other statistics will include Coefficient of Correlation (R), Coefficient of Determination (R^2) and Descriptive Statistics. The descriptive statistics generally include the data and information quantitatively regarding the features of data among selected variables. Here, the mean and standard deviation of all selected variables will be calculated for FDI, GDP, Government Revenue and Government Expenditure. The descriptive statistics will help to provide the historical account of the selected variables in a summarized way. On the other hand, the coefficient of determination is calculated by squaring the value of correlation coefficient. This helps to measure the goodness of fit of the model. In other words, it can also be said that it measures the percentage proportion of the total variation in the dependent variabl e as per the regression model. The rationale for using coefficient of determination that is R-square is to identify and measure the closeness of the regression beta of the independent variable which explains the dependent variable (Novikov and Novikov 2013). Therefore, it can be said that the R-square quantifies the goodness of fit of the equation. In addition to this, the coefficient of correlation will also be used by the researcher in order analyze the collected data as this helps to find and understand the relationship between the selected variables. Therefore, this particular analysis will provide an initial idea regarding the relationship between the selected variables that might hold high moderate, perfect, zero or low correlation. According to Daniel and Sam (2015), the further relationship of the variable analysis is ineffective unless one applies the correlation analysis. The mathematical formula of coefficient of correlation is as follows: Here, Yt and Xt are two different sets of variables and Y and X are two mean variables. Lastly, the most important model i.e. the Regression model will also be implemented by the researcher in this study in order to examine the cross-sectional determinants of GDP. In this study, multiple regressions model will be implemented such that GDP can be regressed against the market capitalization along with the other explanatory variables. Here, GDP will be considered as the function of FDI, market capitalization, Government Revenue and Government Expenditure. This might be stated as: GDP = f (FDI, MKTCAP, GVTEXP, GVTREV) On the other hand, the multiple regression equation is as follows: Opined to Grand and Jonas (2012), the consideration of other variables of economic indicators within the particular model will provide actual direction to the study. Thus, in this study, the regression model will also be used in order to analyze the problem statements in detail. Ethical Consideration The ethical consideration indicates the respects towards the values and rights of the people during performing the research. This particular research will provide utmost care during the collection of data and information and also during processing, analyzing and concluding the study. This study will ensure the participants about confidentiality and each individual will be treated autonomously and equally. The researcher of this particular research study also ensures about the fair and unbiased selection of variables. The study will take consent of the people wherever necessary and enough follow-up will be done. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that the particular research will be able to fulfill its objective that is to investigate the relationship between the economic indicators and the stock market indicators. It can also be said that both the primary and secondary research methods are essential for this study as these will help the suggested research models and parameters to evaluate the economic growth indicators and stock market indicators. Finally, this can also be said that the successful research work will help the future researchers to research further on this particular topic or any such similar topic. References 6, P. and Bellamy, C. 2012.Principles of methodology. London: SAGE. Baker, H. and Riddick, L. 2013.International finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Berk, J., DeMarzo, P. and Harford, J. 2012.Fundamentals of corporate finance. Boston: Prentice Hall. 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